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Rosaline left her house early in the morning as usual to sell bouquets of daffodils, which was her job.

She was feeling very depressed that morning as nothing was going well in her life. Her mother, who

constantly complained and interfered in her affairs, was causing her a lot of distress lately, and she

burdened her beyond her capacity. The house was always filled with shouting and noise.

Her younger brothers, Jean and Damian, who were supposed to have their father with them to provide

for them and raise them in the right direction of becoming responsible men, were left alone under her

responsibility. They exhausted their mother and pressed on her nerves despite her deep love for them.

Rosaline was exhausted and very afraid of shouldering their responsibility alone. It was supposed to be

her mother and father job together, not just hers.

She didn't see her mother capable of handling it. Since Rosaline became capable of working, her mother

stopped embroidery and helping her with finances. She relied on her completely in terms of expenses.

And her father? She thought about him too. What kind of father doesn't care about anyone other than

his drink? How she wished she could spit on everything and run away, but who would take over the

responsibility of spending on the household? How much she longed for those past days when her father

was still a father, residing in the house, taking care of it, and providing for them before his alcohol

addiction took control of him and turned him into an indifferent and drunken person.

While passing by the banks of the Seine River, she stopped to gaze at the beautiful river that reflected

the blue of the clear sky. And she thought... if only I had a lot of money, and in the midst of her

thoughts, she forgot that she had to sell the flowers quickly before the sun sets and the movement

becomes slow. She would travel to another city, see unfamiliar faces where no one knows her, and live

alone without anyone bothering her. Is that too much to ask?

She gazed at the sky with a sad expression. Will I feel a longing for my mother, siblings, or even my

father if I choose to live alone? Perhaps... but undoubtedly, I will experience a sense of freedom and

greater happiness. However, what significance do these distant dreams hold? Should I shift my focus

now to selling this worthless garbage to put food on the table

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 23, 2023 ⏰

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