Chapter 79: Back Up

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Tw: N/A
CW: Manga Spoilers
Word Count: 1,255

Midoriya's POV:
   With everything going on I couldn't help but overthink things. Trying to comprehend what I'm doing is something I haven't been able to dwell on lately. Seeing as me and Sora-San have been patrolling the streets relentlessly.

   I don't know how she does it. She looks so put together and always has a plan up her sleeve. As if she's able to predict what's happening. It was eerie...

   It reminded me of Sir Nighteye.

   Shaking my head at the reminder I paid attention to All Might. I tried not to be bitter. I knew better than that. That being bitter will lead me to a dark inescapable path. One I would rather not venture into.

   As he talked I took note of Sora-San's glowing eyes. Her eyes looked ethereal gold as she sat there frozen. I wondered if that's how she makes her plans. Seeing as she is part phoenix. It would make sense right? My hands itched to get my notebook, but I knew better than to record something like that.

That if that information were to get out All for One would aim his intentions on getting to Sorahiko-San rather than me. I can't have that. She's already sacrificing so much for me. I can't have someone else fall just because of my-

   "Midoriya-Shonen?" All Might suddenly asked, "Were you listening?" Snapping my gaze to him I nodded stiffly. Knowing fully well he'd go on a spiel on me paying attention to my surroundings. If he does then he'll delay us having to leave. We need to leave and cover more ground. We don't need delays in this plan. It's our only hope.

   I need to gain All for One's attention. I need his focus to be on me. Not on anyone else's for this plan to work. I need this plan to work. If not all of Japan and soon after the world will be in danger. It'll be all my fault if I can't stop him.

    He's my responsibility and mine alone.

   I can feel Sorahiko glaring daggers at me as she talked to someone on the phone. I couldn't hear her as she was so high up. I didn't know what I did but I'm sure it wasn't too bad. She only seemed to have stopped when she ended the phone call.

"You ready?" She asked as she flew down to us. She ignored All Might's worried questions as I grabbed my bag. Throwing it over my shoulder I answered,

"Whenever you are. Lead the way." Sorahiko nodded and grabbed my hand flying us up to the top of another building. Over looking the city she pointed to an empty area saying,

"Your going to fight Muscular there." Looking at her confused I asked,

   "And where will you be?" Sorahiko hesitated for a moment before answering,

   "I'm going to go see an old mentor." I wanted to ask more but when I heard the crash I knew better than to waste time. Leaping off the edge I yelled at Sorahiko,

   "Meet you at the tower!" The girl nodded and flew the other way. I didn't understand her. I still don't. Even with knowing how the hero commission is I still don't understand her. She hides her self not just from the others but from her own brother as well. When we were leaving the hospital she never relaxed. She was tense the entirety of the time and was even hostile with the adult heroes. Her brother and apparently her teammate included.

I brushed the thought aside as I put my main focus on helping the Shiketsu students. Getting Shindo out of the way I handed him over to Selkie wordlessly before turning around and fighting Muscular.

   The man never stood a chance.

   As I made my way through the city I noticed how the clouds begin to darken. The city was in mourning. They were suffering. Everyone was suffering all because of me.

   All because I was given this quirk. This responsibility of power. To make sure the evil of All for One is never to be won, but how do I defeat him? How do I defeat an immortal villain? He has the experience, the resources, kami, he has the quirks to defeat me easily.

   My thoughts began to take a dark turn as I kept patrolling. Making it clear to everyone in the crime underworld that I am here. That I am not going to give up. That to get to me is the wrong choice.

   Despite what others think I notice things. I notice how every action has an opposite reaction. That every choice a person makes is based on what they had experienced. Even now- no especially now. People have the choice to protect others, to help them even.

It pains me to see how cruel people are. Even in times of crisis. I would know by experience how hard it is. To feel as if you're alone in the world. As if the universe really hated you for just existing. It wasn't even the persons fault. It wasn't their choice to be born into this world.

They didn't choose this life. No one ever does. What they do choose is how to act. How their actions, words, decisions lead to how civilizations are today. How they are the reason why society is the way it is. Differences matter in this case. Differences from sex, sexuality, quirks, even mentalities will affect someone around them.

It's just how it is, and no one can do anything to stop it right?

Cause the world will keep spinning. The world will keep moving on. The sun will always shine at dawn. As the moon will rise high into the night. It's a cause and effect. That's how this world works, and how it always has been.

   "Deku?" A voice ventured. "Deku report, are you there?" My comm came to life. I remembered that Hawks was on the line. He was keeping an eye on me, but I knew that he was really keeping an eye on Sorahiko. By all means she's his little sister in all but blood. It made sense.

"Yes, I'm here sorry. Had to get Muscular to the police station." Hawks hummed a bit in approval as he continued,

"Alright, did you see Aka- Phoenix anywhere in the area?"

"No- but can I ask something?" I said hesitantly. Hawks seemed to be waiting for my reply that I ventured on,

"Did Sorahiko-San had an old mentor of some sort?" The intake of breath from Hawks side worried me. I could hear a car door being opened as he yelled into the car,

"Damnit! I knew that she was alive. I knew it. Damn the commission I swear-"


"Haru is going to be pissed- f*cking hell"

"HAWKS!" I yelled into the comm. Hawks stopped his mutter storm. Which wow, never had to do that before usually it's me who has mutter storms. Hawks apologized as he told me,

"Get Phoenix out of there if you get to her first. Whatever you do. DO. NOT. ENGAGE. Got that?" I swallowed not knowing what I'm getting into.

"Midoriya," Hawks said pleasingly, "Please,"

That statement alone made my stomach churn. Just who is Sorahiko-San confronting?

"Alright," I said finally. "I won't." Hawks let out a breath of relief as he thanks me and disconnected the com. For a moment I let myself breathe. I had to know what exactly was Sorahiko-san doing?

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