chapter 1

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I made my way up the tall carpeted steps carrying a giant box of chargers, notebooks, pens, books - anything I might need while writing. I was excited to be in this town I've never been to before to take my writing to another level. My hometown was nice, but I was getting too complacent and needed a change of scenery. The hotel I found online was absolutely stunning and I couldn't wait to see what else the town had in store for me. 

As I rounded the corner to walk down the hallway towards my room, my head was burried in my own thoughts about the checklist I needed to get done today. Before I knew it, I was laying on my back on the floor, my box of things tipping over my head. I layed there confused and dazed for a second before a voice broke my thoughts.

"Oh, my god. I am so sorry!" the voice said. "I totally wasn't paying attention to where I was going!"

The voice got closer to me as I saw the guy kneel down next to me and pick up the things that fell out of the box and top of me. I looked at the guy who seemed to have a very worried look on his face. He was a little blurry before my vision finally made it's way back. 

Holy shit. Colby Brock just ran me over in a hotel.

"Oh, no," I accidentally said out loud.

"Are you okay?" He asked me.

I giggled nervously, sitting up and rubbing my head. "Uh, yeah. Yeah! I'm fine," I said, clearly not fine. Colby Brock was sitting right in front of me. As much as I loved his channel, I knew he was probably here with his group, and that could only mean one thing. They were ghost hunting in a hotel I had no idea was haunted. Great.

He smiled at me, his glowing green eyes beaming at me. "Let me help you up." He stood up and held his hand down to me. I grasped onto his hand and pulled myself up, not quite having much balance after my fall. I stumbled into him, laughing nervously again.

"Oh, god. I'm so sorry," I said as I pushed myself back from him and smiled awkwardly at him. 

I pulled my hand away from his and looked down at my things that were sprawled out around our feet. We both kneeled down, reaching for my random objects and started putting them back in the box.

"I should really watch where I'm going more often," Colby said to me, smiling.

I smiled back at him. "Me, too," I said with a small laugh.

After everything was back in my box, Colby lifted up the box. I reached for it to take it out of his hands and he pulled it away from me.

"The least I can do is carry this to your room for you," he said.

"It's not like it's heavy. I can carry it." I laughed.

He rolled his eyes at me playfully. "Please just let me carry this to your room so I can feel like I made up for running you over," he said with a smile.

"Fine," I said, rolling my eyes back at him. 

We walked down the hallway towards my room. This hotel was massive. Once you got up to the second floor and walked down the hallway a little, the hallway opened up and had an overhang that looked over the first floor. Looking upwards, you could see the other 6 floors, too. We walked down the hallway in silence. My mind was racing. Do I tell him I know who he is? Do I act like I've never heard of him before?

Once we reached my room, I pulled out my keycard from my back pocket and opened up the door. I walked inside and held the door open for him to walk in, motioning for him to set it down anywhere. I propped the door open with the lock and he gave me a funny look.

"You know I'm not going to murder you right here in a hotel, right?" He asked playfully.

"That's exactly what a murderer would say," I said, smiling at him.

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