chapter 2

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9 rolled around and I walked downstairs to meet the boys in the lobby. I always hated being the first one somewhere but I also hated being late, so I tried to time is just right to where they wouldn't be waiting too long but I wasn't standing there looking around to see if they were even coming. I could hear them already in the lobby and as I turned the corner, I saw them all standing there with all of their recording equipment. Sam smiled at me and waved me over and the rest of them turned to look at me. Both Brennen and Colby's eyes lit up as I walked towards them. 

"Ready?" Colby asked me excitedly.

"So ready!" I responded. 

We walked out of the front revolving doors and made our way down the sidewalk that led around to the side of the building where the orchestra was located. Sam and Colby had made arrangements to have the place all to themselves for a few hours.

"So, Emma, you're from KC?" Brennen asked me as he walked beside me.

"Yep," I said. "Usually nothing big ever comes from Kansas City, so it's crazy that one of the biggest YouTube channels did." I laughed.

"Don't tell them that, that's going to get to their heads!" Brennen joked.

"Too late!" Colby and Sam said in unison in front of us.

"And you're just here all by yourself?" Brennen asked.

Colby turned his head to look at Brennen. "Dude, that's exactly what a murderer would ask," he said as he shot me a playful smile.

"True," I said, giggling and looking at him.

 As we stepped inside of the dark building, there was a man in all black standing at the front of the stage. The air felt off and there was definitely something here, I could feel it already.

"Hello?" Sam said into the darkness, squinting his eyes at the figure just a few feet in front of us.

All of a sudden we heard a loud clap and all of the lights flashed on. "Boo!" The man from the stage yelled with a huge grin on his face.

We all jumped, Brennen clinging to my waist. I laughed slightly after realizing what just happened and shimmied my way out of Brennen's hands.

"Sorry," he said as he smiled at me. I just shrugged in response and kept watching the man on the stage.

He introduced himself as Avril, the manager of the orchestra room. He had worked at this hotel for over 20 years and new the ins and outs of this place. Colby and Sam had apparently made a really good impression on him since he gave them their personal phone number that they could just call whenever they wanted to explore parts of the hotel. Even the parts that were off-limits.

Avril gave us a tour of the place, pointing out the rooms that were filled with the most activity. One of which being a nursery that was used to hold children of the patrons while they watched the performance. Looking into the room, it felt extremely creepy. I was so excited to explore that room.

Avril said good-bye and left us to our adventure. Sam and Colby had come up with a plan to have everyone split up and take different rooms. Sam and Colby were together, Corey and Jake were together, and just as Colby was about to say I could tag along with them, Brennen volunteered us to be a team. I gave him a funny look, but ultimately agreed. 

We all split up. Sam and Colby stayed in the outter common area, Corey and Jake took the dressing rooms, and Brennen and I took the nursery.

I followed Brennen into the nursery and looked around at the rotted wallpaper. This place was so spooky and it felt spooky.

the chase - A Colby Brock Fan FictionOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora