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Allison and her family were born in England but at the age of 9 they moved to Florida due to her dad getting a promotion.

Allison was always a happy and smart individual, but her best friend Hannah was, well she was different. 

Hannah had been sent to a boarding school over in France during the height of COVID lock down back in 2020, Allison always tried to keep in touch with Hannah, but Hannah just ignored Allison to the point where Allison just stopped trying to get in touch with Hannah.

Allison just kept on ranting about all her problems to the one person she could trust, her brother, her brother was called Aiden Evans he was an outspoken person but only gave Allison blunt replies to her problems. 

Allison always called Aiden 'Ade – said like Aid' for short, as a sort of nickname. While Aiden called Allison 'Allie' because according to him 'her name is too long to say every time'.

Allison and Aiden are Irish twins, with Aiden being the eldest and Allison being the youngest. Aiden is born September 4th, 2003, while Allison is born July 27th, 2004, with them being born less than 12 apart they can identify as Irish twins.

In 2022 Allison and Aiden's parents applied for Ade to go to Université de Sainte-Hélène which translates to Saint Helen's University. 

And he was accepted, Aiden would start first year of University in France, Allison's only person that she could trust would be moving across to the other side of the world, she had no one to talk to, no one to trust...

The thing about Université de Sainte-Hélène is that this was an international University with people from all over the world so surly she would be able to get in, how she was so wrong.

Allison spent all summer applying to the school for a chance to get in, but she just kept on getting rejection letters.

By the time she started to give up it was the end of summer, and her brother would be leaving for France in just 5 days.

- 347 words

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