Chapter 1 - I will miss you

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Allison's POV

As I helped to pack Ade's bag it suddenly hit me, I would be going into College alone no brother and no friends.

You see thanks to COVID I haven't been back to school, so I never really got the chance to socialize with anyone else in my year. I haven't ever been alone I always had Hannah or Ade but now I have no one. 

Once we had finished packing my brother's bag, I wandered back to my room and brought up my application letter for Saint Helen's, I am determined to get into this school before Christmas at least, as I am not going to College and be forced to make friends by my teachers who would be pitying on me as I have no friends.

The next day I went to town with Ade to buy some last remaining items for him and school stuff for me.

 We went into 10 shops yet still couldn't even find what we were looking for, Ade wanted to buy draw organizers but every single one we found were either 'to small' or 'to big' according to him. 

Yet he doesn't even know how big his draws are going to be, that's what I couldn't understand like why he couldn't just get there see what sizes he needs and then order them off the internet. 

But no, he had to make it difficult, after looking for what seemed like ages we eventually gave up and then started looking for what I needed.

After town we went back home and watched to Movies on the TV before falling asleep. I woke up sharply at 7:30 and went into the kitchen to start making pancakes as that was Ade's favorite breakfast and I wanted to make these last few days together special.

God that makes it sound like he's dying, which he isn't, he is healthy and alive.

I head upstairs with the pancakes on a tray with a glass of apple juice for him, I'm really going to miss him, I mean my best friend or should I say EX best friend left me to go to a boarding school and has never bothered to talk to me since.

"Ade, wake up I have your breakfast" I say in a sort of whisper.

I get a murmur out of him but no actual words,

"I have pancakes and apple juice" with me saying that he gets up and looks dead straight at me "why didn't you start with that" he says grabbing the tray off me.

I just laugh, Pancakes have always been his weak spot, ever since we were little kids, he used to cover himself in honey because of 'how sweet its is' that was his reason.

I sit on the bottom of his bed while he eats.

He starts to eat the pancakes but stops and turns to me, "are you not having any?"

"No, I had some downstairs when I was making them for you" I tell him

"so you made pancakes for me not because you wanted any?" he says puzzled


"why?" he asks, 

"because you're moving across the world to France while I stay here in Florida" I say. 

He puts the tray on his bed and moves next to me "Just say because I'm going to France doesn't mean I'm going to forget you; I mean how could I you're my little sister. We literally look the same" he says jokingly.

But the thing is we do look the same, we both have brown hair, he has short curly brown hair which just lives on the top of his head and the side of his hair is faded, while my hair is long it goes down to mid of my back, I have wavy hair with blond highlights streaking through the brown.

We both have hazel brown eyes, and rounded eyebrows. Our skin is Ivory and we both have a couple freckles on our cheeks. 

My lips are full and plump while Ade's are thin but full.

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