Road Trip Shenanigans

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You, Satoru and Suguru were all together again, it was the small hours of the night, 3 am to be exact and the gas station was very quiet, almost empty to be exact. The three of you all stood around together, looking somewhat bored. Satoru and Suguru both seemed to have their eyes on you though as they waited for you to do something.

Mid-terms were next week, so you all decided to take a road trip somewhere random on the one-week break provided. The main entertainment is being cooped up in a small car.

"I need to go pee...don't let anyone kidnap the basket," You give them a blank face pointing to the basket of snacks.

"I doubt anyone would try to kidnap those snacks." Satoru glanced at the snacks in the basket.

Suguru simply nodded as well.

"It's 3 AM, what snack kidnapper is gonna be out right now?" Satoru asked as the gas station was empty with just you three and the one clerk who looks half asleep.

"Your mama," You joke and go into the unisex washroom which was the only type there.

Satoru scoffs and looks at Suguru for any reaction but the man seems to be in his world. He shook his head and grabs Suguru's arm, dragging him behind you.

The boys follow you into the washroom and stand where the sinks are, while you go into a stall and lock it, the only sound being heard was your pee.

"Is it really necessary to be this cautious-" Satoru asks as Suguru glances at him for a moment before speaking.

"Why risk it? I don't see the problem with just staying here with her." Suguru stated, his tone didn't sound annoyed or anything else of the sort.

"I'M HUNGRY!!" A sudden outburst hits you and you scream while still peeing.

"If you let me in I could help you." Satoru suggested mischievously.

Suguru gave him a side eye not having it.

It goes silent and the only sound was you using the toilet paper to wipe your ass and clothes ruffling with a huge flush of the toilet. You leave the stall.

"Done?" Suguru blurted out interrupting the silence.

"Yup," You wash your hands and dry them. Suddenly you had the urge to take a few pictures. "One of you go check if the snack basket got kidnapped or something..."

They both nodded at you as you spoke, Satoru left shortly while Suguru remained leaning against the wall. Suguru just stood there by the wall, watching you as he waited for you to finish taking pictures.

You get up on the sink and toss your phone towards Suguru, this was a clear indication of: become my photographer. After many shots, you point your ass out and Suguru focuses on capturing it.

"Oh damn, that's a nice ass," Satoru spoke up as he looks over and gets a good glimpse of what you were doing on the sink as you try posing. His eyes were filled with amusement now, he seemed to be enjoying himself as he spoke to you.

Suguru however was just doing everything you wanted him to do, he was making sure to capture the moments you suggested. Although, he still seemed just a tiny bit annoyed about it but kept silent.

"Thanks, it's 100 percent real!" You touch it and explain as if it was an interview.

"Of course, it looks like a very nice ass," Satoru chuckled and had a smug look on his face.

"What time is it?"

"...It's 3:22 AM..." Suguru spoke up, he was still following your instructions as he spoke to you now.
"We need to hurry back, it's late already." Satoru reminds us quickly.

You get off the sink and take your phone back giving Suguru multiple thanks. You go to the cashier and pay for everything but as you look out the window there is a HUGE ASS THUNDERSTORM with crazy rain.

"Damn..." Satoru speaks up as he glances outside, he looks slightly irritated as he'd rather not go out in the rain just yet. However, this was probably unavoidable. "Now what do we do?"

"How the fuck do we drive in that, plus it's pitch dark!" You put your hands against the window and internally cry.

"It is quite rainy and very dark. We definitely can't drive out in this weather, perhaps staying here for a bit longer is the safest and easiest option." Suguru suggested calmly.

You all pay for the snacks and drinks before running back into the car, Suguru parks to the side and settle inside.

Satoru sat in the back, Suguru in the driver's seat and you in the passenger. You push your seat back a little and snuggle up under a blanket looking toward the two boys.

"You think you've got enough pictures for now?" Satoru asks while doing a man spread in the back, his tone was filled with amusement and curiosity.

You grab a nearby plastic water bottle and throw it at him, identifying the dirty meaning behind his words. The water bottle hits Satoru right in the face and it looks like he's about to hit back but backs off from Suguru's warning gaze.

"I'm curious, how many hours of inappropriate videos do you watch in one week?" You questioned as this abnormal creature's upbringing must have involved them.

"I watch them every day. For roughly at least 2 hours~" Satoru spoke quickly, he then started giggling to himself.

"WHAT THE FUCK?!? I hope you know that's not normal!"

Satoru didn't seem fazed by your words, he just continued to laugh to himself as he spoke to you again. "What? It's a fun pastime and they're very educational!" he innocently explained his actions.

"Well, it's kinda expected with the way you behave, I would say Suguru never watches any but a man is a man, so how many hours per week Suguru?" You look Suguru dead in the eyes and ask.

Suguru had an evil look on his face.

"You see, I don't just watch them, I make them..." He spoke in a calm voice, his cheeks became slightly flushed as he spoke though.

Your jaw dropped...






"Bitch you is lyin," You spoke like a drunkie thinking you were high from the thought.

"No, I'm not lying! I don't know why you seem so surprised." Suguru snorted as he looked from you to Satoru before settling his eyes back on you again. "It's fun, and it's easy money."

"Easy money~" You mock Suguru. "We are already rich from all the money we make from missions!"

"True, true... However, this easy and fun money, comes without having to do any work for it at all. Plus, people enjoy it a lot." Giggles escaped Suguru.

"Tch now I know why Satoru watches two hours every day, I bet he's watching Suguru jerk off." You tease Satoru.

Satoru's face turned bright red as you teased him... His reaction was enough to make Suguru start chuckling again. "That's not true!"

"Well, you guys can do porn shit but all I got to say is I have a clean mind and soul." You lay down in the seat placing your legs on Suguru's lap and head against the window.

Both boys break into a burst of ugly laughter after hearing your statement.

"(Y/N) hun you might be the most civilized or smartest out of us but come on clean mind and soul?" Suguru starts rubbing your legs and beholds his statement.

You hear Satoru snicker in the back and poke the side of your quickly swing your leg right into his chest till he slams against the back seat.

"Just shut y'alls yapping and be quiet!" You close your eyes and listen to the non-stop rain outside. It was probably 4 am by decided to call it a day and go to sleep.

Hope these idiots don't do anything stupid.

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