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loud rap music blasted through the frat house in which the two girls entered.

one with an inquisitive look on their face and the other looking rather nervous.

a group of boys pushed passed the girls like they weren't even there.

mia already decided this wasn't her vibe.

there was a space in the middle which was a self made dance floor now crowded with shoulder to shoulder.

and a drinks table with every cheap shit you could imagine.

"ahh let's do a shot!" jasmine cheered excitedly as she grabbed mia's hand and rushed the pair over to the mysterious drinks table.

laid out was a range over various neon coloured shots filled with god knows what.

mia looked down disgustedly but decided she was going to have to get somewhat drunk to enjoy this.

mia picked up the emptiest shot glass she could find and downed the contents before pulling a tight face.

jas followed suit but without the disgusted face.

"here, try this!" jas said as she waved a red plastic cup in mia's face.

"you first." mia said pushed the cup back towards jas.

jasmine shrugged and didn't hesitate but her face showed instant regret.

even jas couldn't handle whatever was in that cup, that's when you know it's bad.

mia laughed to herself, now glad she didn't listen to jas.

"i think i'll stick with the canned beer, but thanks anyways." mia laughed at her snarky remark earning a glare from jas.

after jas glared at mia, she scanned the room for a potential victim for their little pact.

it's fair to say it wasn't one guy jas would be kissing tonight.

but it's unlucky mia will stick to the pact.

"oh! there's a cute guy, hold my drink!" jas said and before mia could even process, she was handed the red cup and left standing at the table on her own.

mia sighed and awkwardly looked around the room as she bobbed her head to the music which she hated.

she looked for something to occupy herself with rather than stand awkwardly at this table filled with crap drinks.

mia scanned the room and saw an empty couch the other side of the room, pushed against the wall to create more floor space.

mia managed to push through the crowd of dancing, but not so much dancing, students before plonking herself on the sofa.

she couldn't even pretend to enjoy it anymore. she was left alone and knew she had to wait it out.

she didn't want to just leave because she had to make sure jas was okay and made it back in one piece because the reality was that these two girls don't know anyone here, they can't trust anyone.

mia knew that. she had to be cautious.

maybe she should've thought of that before she chose where to sit.

she felt the sofa dip besides her, too afraid to see what mess was beside her.

she managed to catch a glimpse of jas who had her lips all over some guy, so much so, you couldn't even see the guys face.

only when she pulled back for a quick second of breath you could work out his features before her was forced back into the kiss by a clingy jas.

mia now felt the presence of the guy next to her come closer.

I Can See You - TY SIMPKINSWhere stories live. Discover now