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mia walked through the empty campus in the dark night.

she kept a fast pace and her head down.

a girl alone on a university campus wasn't the best look.

she finally arrived to the door of her building when she heard a group of boys laughing.

her heart stopped as she turned to the side to see around four guys stood at the front door smoking and joking around.

she didn't realise she was staring until one of them spoke out and said "can we help you?"

that when she realised where she recognised him from.

it was the boy who tried to kiss her the other night.

ty's brother...

she hesitated for a moment then realised this could be useful to her in returning ty's bank card.

but she didn't want to give it to his brother, she didn't trust him.

"you're ty's brother right?" mia said as she turned her full body attention to them.

"it's actually mason, not 'ty's brother'" he said holding up quote marks with his fingers, clearly pissed off by mia's comment.

"but you're ty's brother right?" mia instigated more whilst the other boys watched on in confusion.

"wait i remember you, you're the girl i rejected at the party the other night. ha! you should've seen her boys she was all over me, my brother had to pull her away so i could escape." mason lied making his friends believe him as they all laughed and pointed at mia who did nothing of the sort.

mia stood there with confusion in her face wondering if this guy was actually real.

but she didn't want to instigate and argument with him as she needed his help.

after the boys died down their laughter, mason stepped closer.

"why are you still here? you've come back for seconds?" mason smirked earning a 'ooo' from his friends.

"i need your help. what's ty's dorm number?" mia stated.

mason's face now dropped. he hated hearing his brothers name. he didn't want to be 'ty's brother'. people only ever spoke to him about ty.

the entire reason he came to university was so that his family wouldn't think he was a disappointment and then son who didn't follow in his older brothers footsteps.

mason looked in disgust at the mention of his brothers name.

"why? you can't have me so you want to bang my brother instead?" mason rudely spat out.

mia was starting to regret her decision in talking to mason.

she thought he was just an asshole at the party because he was drunk. but it turns out he was always an asshole.

"i have to return something to him." mia said.

mason looked at mia for a moment and had a thinking face on.

"and what do i get if i tell you?" mason saïd as he leaned forward closer to mia making her lean back more than she already was.

mia had nothing to give him. she didn't even know what he was instigating whether he wanted money or something else.

"i can give you free starbucks." mia sheepishly said out loud.

it went silent for a moment until all the boys burst out laughing.

they couldn't die themselves down as they laughed for what seemed like minutes.

"i wouldn't drink that cheap shit if you paid me." mason laughed out causing another round of heavy laughs from the boys.

mia looked around and thought for a moment.

she didn't want to take the aggressive approach and wanted to keep it civil but she quickly realised that wasn't going to work with mason.

you have to be harsh to be kind.

mia sighed and closed her eyes as she slumped her shoulders down.

when she opened her eyes she quickly slapped mason in the face earning a loud 'ow!" before she kicked him in the back of the knee making him fall to the ground and grabbed the top of his ear.

mason was now whimpering unable to get off of the ground.

his useless friends looked on with an impressed look on their faces.

"give me the dorm number or i'm going to tell all your little friends how you ran over crying when i rejected you at the party the other night." mia said feeling like a badass.

she was proud that she was able to pull this side out of her.

"ow get off me freak!" mason yelled out in pain as mia twisted on his ear even harder.

mia was now digging her thumb nail into the skin on his ear causing him to wince in pain.

"fine! 201 okay!" mason yelled out before mia let go and he dramatically dropped to the floor and began crying like a baby.

mia smirked to herself.

then snapped back into reality.

she looked up to see the boys with a shocked look on their face as she began backing up and heading back into the building.

mia didn't even realise she had that side to her. of course, mason was a weak subject and an easy target but still. she felt a sense of pride.

she smiled herself before straightening out her jacket and walking back up the stairs of the dorm.

but now instead of heading to her apartment in room 409.

she was heading to 209.

in hopes of finding ty.

I Can See You - TY SIMPKINSWhere stories live. Discover now