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mia stared at herself in the mirror as she slowly brushed her thick blonde hair.

she took a deep breath as she took in her appearance.

her natural rosy cheeks from the cold beamed on top of her cheek bones as her mascara covered eyelashes fluttered lightly.

she tried to suppress both her nerves and excitement as she slowly breathed in and out.

this time she made sure her ipad was fully charged so that she was actually of use to ty.

she took in her appearance once more even though ty had already seen her in her worst state after her 5 hour shift last night.

she straightened out her grey tight tank top before making her way to the front door but just as she went to reach the handle, the door opened in front of her.

there was jas with a plain moody face, clearly still pissed about the small fight the girls had last night.

"hey..." mia called out awkwardly in hopes jas would have forgotten about what happened between them.

instead jas just gave mia a death glare.

mia took it on the chin as she knew jas was always like this when they argued.

mia watched as jas climbed into bed and threw the duvet over her head before turning on the heel and walking out of the dorm.

that brief interaction almost made her forget about the nerves of meeting ty until she realised where she was actually going.

she took the brief walk through the corridor and down the steps to ty's dorm where she once again reached his from door.

she held her fist up to the door as she took a deep breath before knocking.

knock knock knock

ty was quick to answer the door with a bright and welcoming smile which instantly made mia's nerves leave her system.

he felt like home to her. her safety net, even if he didn't realise it.

"hey mia." he grinned out.

the way her said her name made her heart beat in a good way.

"hey ty, i remembered to charge my ipad this time." she replied whilst holding the tablet in the air.

even though it wasn't her fault it wasn't charged last time but ty didn't need to know the in's and out's.

ty half heartedly laughed out in response as he stepped to the side to let her in.

she stepped into the all too familiar and room.

she noticed the room was laid out exactly hers with two double beds either side of the room.

she wondered who owned the other bed.

"who do you share your dorm with?" mia questioned as she was yet to meet them.

ty closed the door behind him as he turned around to answer her question.

"this guy called jack, i rarely see him as he works nights and is in classes during the day." ty answered as he sat using his bed as a chair.

mia nodded at his response as she slowly sat beside him.

she sat closer than she apprehended as their arms slightly touched one another.

ty didn't show any discomfort with this though.

mia pulled out her ipad and unlocked it, quickly tapping past the guinea pig lockscreen which she hadn't realised ty had already seen.

he let out an inner laugh as he saw mia panic as she quickly tried to get off her lockscreen.

I Can See You - TY SIMPKINSWhere stories live. Discover now