joe wee x Brenda part 1

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Yeah 🫡


Brenda was REALLY SUPER MEGA DUPER nervous tehehe ah haha he he ha he

He liked Joey for quite awhile but he's done hiding his feelings HE GONNA CONFESS

"I weally need to tell bwenda how I feel MEOW! UwU! ^^"  joey thought to himself

Joey picked up his phone and went to Brenda's contact

They're hands shook as he began texting

"B-b-b-b-b-bwenda I need to t-t-tell you something" he sent the text

"What is it joeweewee-chan?? Mmrow~"

"I-i-i-i-i-i-i LIKE YOUWU will u PLEASE PLEASE 🥺 give me a chance MEOW!"

Brenda didn't respond

Joey started freaking the flip out!! Pissing, pooping, vomiting, screaming, creaming, dieing, pulling his hair out, throwing himself out the window

"S-s-s-s-SOWWY! My cousin had my phone haha he's so silly ha"

joey sent it without even thinking

"Unless you really want touwu!"

"/J!! Hahahahahahahhahahahhahahsnkbid the I'm so silly ha!! All jokes I'm a funny silly guy ahah yeah.. yup"

"If I really did want to I would take u to a REALLY good restaurant and then we could go back to my place and play videogames teheh heh yeah.. "

"Yaknow we could if ya want but I don't care haha yeah heh I understand if you don't want to MOST people don't like good guys like me they like big meanies!! Grrr"

"Please respond.. "

"Sorry I was doing the dishes for my mom"

"oh... "

"My answer is........ "


"WAHOOO!..  wait yes what?"


"YIPPEE!! but I just wanted to go on a date ;-; "


277 words

part 2 will have their EPIC date...

part 2 will have their EPIC date

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