1# - Pilot

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A/n: I don't own any images or videos shown, what I do own is the right to make my boy Kid look good so hope y'all enjoy, cause I will!

The Main Land, Takoba Municipal Beach
6:35 AM

A small boat could be seen floating towards the beach with a black flag hung up that had a logo on it

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A small boat could be seen floating towards the beach with a black flag hung up that had a logo on it. It flapped in the wind as the boat stopped on the beach shore.

This caught the attention of a familiar green haired boy who was running by the beach making him stop and turn towards it.

Izuku: (That ship must've washed up! I hope no one's injuried.)

He quickly ran towards the ship quickly tugging and pulling it into the sand before climbing aboard.

Izuku: H-Hello? Is anyone on he- AGH!!

He was punched directly in the face by large metallic arm. This sent Izuku through the air and to then bounce off the ground before landing on a car making the alarm on it go off.

Izuku could only groan in pain as a line of blood dripped down his face bruised face.

Izuku: (I-I didn't even- Was that a villain?) Ughhh.

Izuku held his head as the sound of footsteps could be heard before a tall red haired man who wore black and yellow spotted pants, a black opened vest, held down by a belted war kilt with it was also a long dark red coat, worn over his shoulder while approaching the hero in training.

Izuku: Who are you?!

???: Eh? You don't know?

The man grabbed him by the collar of his track suit with his regular arm before growing a manic smile.

Y/n: The names Eustass Y/n, Captain of the Kid pirates. And that.

He then motioned to his side where a large blond haired man who wore a blue and white striped mask along with a blue shirt that had a Jolly Roger symbol that had two swords around it, he also had a blue sash and pants on. Tied to his side was a sheath that was empty due to the hand guards he wore having to large scythe-like blades attached to it.

Y/n: Is my right hand man Killer.

Izuku: What d-do you two even want?!

Y/n: Simple. Give us your strongest heroes, now.

Izuku's eyes widened before we see inside the classroom of Class 1A where most of them could be seen chatting amongst themselves.

Iida: Where is Midoriya? Class is about to start, if he strives to be a hero he should arrive on time! *He declared while chopping his hand*

Uraraka: Relax Iida, Deku-kun will be her-

She couldn't finish her sentence something came flying in through the wall causing it to collapse and put the class on high alert.

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