2# - Insight

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A/n: I don't own any images or videos shown, what I do own is the right to make my boy Kid look good so hope y'all enjoy, cause I will!

The Main Land, Hosu City
11:16 PM

The sounds of sirens and screams were heard throughout the city of Hosu as multiple burning buildings could be seen

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The sounds of sirens and screams were heard throughout the city of Hosu as multiple burning buildings could be seen.

Various fire fighters ran towards the flaming buildings showering them with blasts of water from their trucks.

Fire Fighter 1: Not even a week after Stain and Hosu gets torn apart again!!

Fire Fighter 2: That's not the only news two psychos was able to take All Might, Endeavor, and every other teacher at UA!

Fire Fighter 1: Eh?! No way!!

An ambulance was seen opening up as a pro hero with half of his side blown out was shown being wheeled into the vehicle by paramedics.


Fire Fighter 2: Holy shit, t-they did that?

Fire Fighter 1: Doesn't matter focus on the fire!!

They continued to fight the fire as an abandoned warehouse was shown. The insides of the building were barricaded by multiple pieces of metal magnetized to doors.

Killer was then seen leaning against a wall that had a window near it that showed the city lit ablaze by their chaos.

He then looked over at Y/n who laid on a coach while using his red coat as a blanket for himself. In his slumber Y/n twitched as flashes of a burning village was shown as a younger version of himself was heard calling out to someone.

When he yelled the flames drowned out his screams until Y/n's eyes shot open from the nightmare. He grabbed his face letting out an annoyed groan while sitting up and placing his red coat over his shoulders again.

Killer: Another nightmare?

Y/n: Somethin like that, the city still burning?

Killer: They put it out an hour ago. Daybreaks in a couple of hours, we'll need to head south so we can reach Britannia.

Y/n: That's the land with all those knights and what not?

Killer: *Nods* They utilize magic from what brochure showed.

Y/n: Eh?

Killer reached into his pocket and held up a small brochure that had a picture of a kingdom with a golden pig stamped on the side of it.

Y/n: This land is fucking weird.

Killer: I think it's nice. *He said looking at the piece of paper*

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