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It was now Friday and it had been 3 days since everything happened, Everyone had basically lived in cash's room, the only time they would leave was at night and Saint of course stayed.

Him and Mecca had a talk about what happened that night but they couldn't come up with anything, Saint had truly forgotten about what happened...or he thought he did

Cash's family had came to visit her and they we're staying in Chicago until cash woke up

Saint paid for nanas, papas, and there aunt's hotel seeing that he liked them.
Bruce, her mom, Kurt and all her siblings came too.

It was a lot of tension seeing that LaWanda didn't agree with cash's relationship with Saint but she had no right

LaWanda wanted to control cash, she hated her and Mecca with a obsessive passion, and no one knew why. And Saint, hasn't been eating or sleeping, he had been drinking lean and popping percs more than ever he went through 25 pills and 9 cups a day, it was a miracle he wasn't dead. He missed cash more than anyone knew, he felt like he was dying without her. He hoped she would wake up and the next couple months would go by quickly, he wanted all this to be over. He was tired and he felt as of this was his fault.

'That's my lady, I should've been the one to protect her' he thought

He had nightmares of that night everytime he would take a nap, if he closed his eyes all he seen was cash's lifeless bleeding body on the E.R bed

He was constantly beating himself up about it, and he had been talking it all out on black. Saint wasn't letting up on him, Black took at least 4 beats a day. He was barely alive but he was still breathing and that was enough for Saint to continue torturing him.

Cash on the other hand had been trying to wake up, she felt that she was so close but something was stopping her, it was what her had god dad told her, about how she was not her friend and how she needa to stick with Saint no matter what.

Cash didn't understand what he was talking about but she didn't care anymore, she wanted to wake up bad. She missed Saint so much. She would figure out what her god dad was talking about later.

Cash felt a pit and her stomach as she woke up, her mouth was dry and it was crusty as hell too

"Daddy" cash said in a dry deep tone with a mug on her face

Saint looked down seeing cash wide awake mugging him

"Oh shit, Nina! SHES AWAKEEEE!" Saint yelled jumping up

He shook Mecca and Kari, he was extremely excited he missed his nina so much

He wanted to hug her badly but he knew he couldn't, she had been shot so many times in different spots it would be hard for her to hug anyone

"CASH!" Mecca and winter screamed running over to her bed

"Water" cash groaned as she began to feel pain all over her body

By now cash's family had came in, they were already on there way to do there daily visit that would go bad due to the high tension

The nurse rushed in and smiled

"Everyone back, I need to check on her" she spoke

After about 30 minutes the doctor seen she was completely fine, cash on the other hand was in so much she couldn't move without felling pain all over her body

Her wounds felt like pressure was being applied to them

The nurse soon left the room after laying out her pills and giving her some ice water in cup with a straw

"Hi guys" cash smiled weakly

"We miss you, are you in pain?" Winter asked smiling in cash's face

"No, I'm fine" cash smiled lying, she was in pain but she would be okay. She was just happy to be alive

"Can everyone leave for a second please, I need to talk to Saint" cash spoke

Everyone sighed making there way out the room, they knew it was coming tho

"Hi dooda" cash smiled at him

"Hi" he smiled back

"Why you being weird?" She asked him

"I'm not, you okay? How's your head?" Saint asked changing the subject

Cash knew what he was doing, she knew him and she knew how to get him to talk

"No daddy I'm fine...how you been? You been eating? How long has it been?" Cash questioned him

"It's been a week baby" he said she mugged seeing he was still avoiding her questions about him

Saint didn't wanna put too much on her plate right now, so he put his emotions to the side to focus on cash. Reality had also set in, he remembered that this was all still his fault.

"Atlas sit down." Cash demanded

Saint sat down avoiding eye contact with her

"Yea baby?" He questioned

Cash groaned as she sat up, she grabbed his had and turned his head towards her making eye contact with him

"How have you been" she asked

Saints eyes began to water, he wanted badly to tell her

"Tell me" cash rasped, Saint broke down crying

Cash pulled Saint back onto her ignoring the pain she felt all around her body

"Bad mama, I missed you, I started popping percs again I been sipping more, I haven't been eating and yo family been on bullshit. I haven't been able to sleep without seeing you that night. Everything been bad mama and I missed you. I felt so alone i thought you were gonna leave me mama" Saint spoke

He tired to hold it in but he couldn't, he had been wanted to talk to cash, he wanted badly to simply smoke and talk.

"Awww dooda I heard you, I heard everything. You were never alone, and you'll never be alone as long as I'm alive. I love you Atlas, i Really do" cash cried as saint continued to wipe her tears

"Thank you mama, I love you more than you'll ever know" Saint poke

Eventually night time fell and the day went...okay?

Cash ignored all her moms slick comments and Mecca on the other hand checked her about every single one. She hated her mom for how she did her and cash and she would never forgive her for it.  She didn't even know why her mom came, she found it weird.




Ummm...ionk this chapter took a while to write, I still don't know if I like it...

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