chapter 1 the new adventure with raiden and others

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It was a sunny day in desperado and raiden was playing his video games until he heard a weird sound coming from outside

Raiden: hello? Who is there? Show youreself I have a sword and I'm not afraid to use it!!!!

He goes outside and looks around until he saw a black kitten outside his house it was meowing and it was hurt raiden looks at it and was worried he looks around and grabs him home

Raiden: oh my godness you're poor thing
Who could ever do this to you wait I will get you some bandage

He goes away to grab them but then the kitten run to the window and was scared looking

Raiden comes back and he saw it looking scared he goes to him and grabs him and put him the bandage

Raiden: huh what's wrong little one?

The kitten start to meow and it show with his paw from the window blood path

Raiden was shocked and he start to think

Raiden: my godness why is there blood? Wait I saw those blood lines it' its khamsin what if he grab youre kitty  family and now he wanna do something horrible no I am raiden I never give up

He grabs the kitten and he runs out to others to tell them everything

Joe: wow slow down raiden we can't understand you so fast but how is khamsin alive and you think he grab a kitten family

Raiden: oh my godness yes look those scars are from him but we need to make a adventure now to save them

Everyone looks at him and they agree

Sam: yes let's go guys we need to help raiden and this kitten too

Raiden: thanks guys youre are the best now let's go for a adventure

They run after the blood path

To be continued.....

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