chapter 6 the boss fight

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Raiden: it's over khamsin give up

Khamsin: phaha oh why should I?

Raiden: leave this kitten family alone now or else

Khamsin: hah or else what?

Raiden: we will destroy you

Everyone comes out and was ready to attack

Khamsin: what how did you?! Grrr you stole my creations now you will pay

He gets into his mashine and was ready to attack

Khamsin: time to end this once for all

Raiden: oh you will really think that it they will destroy you in one hit

Khamsin: oh what did I say about them

he grabs a button and deactivated them and they are shut down

Raiden: what no!!!! How!?

Khamsin: haha you thought I am so dumb that you will just klick they buttons and then they are out of control phaha wow you really are to dumb I create a button that deactivate them and now they are useless

Joe: oh now you will really pay for it

He activated his nanomashines son and attacks his mashine

Khamsin grabs him with the mashine and throws him away

Joe: ahhhhhhh

He falls on the ground

Khamsin: hahah see I am the strongest cyborg and you're my victim time to die

Everyone attacks him but they all fail

Raiden attacks him but he gets kicked out

Mistral: huh no raiden....grrr no one hurt my bf like this

she grab her le'tranger and attacks him

He was in shock and he fly away with the mashine and it broke and he was hurt

Mistral: now its time to die

Khamsin was acting hurt and scared and he close his eyes with his arms

Khamsin: pls don't hurt me....I'm sorry I will not do it again....I just wanted to be loved and not a useless character because nobody likes me and I thought when Everyone wanna notice me I need to become one so I build those mashines to kill whoever wanna stop me....but I guess I fail....I wanna see last time my old creations before I die......

Mistral was in shock

Mistral: my godness....I didn't know it we thought you're are evil but you wanna be know what I will let you life.....but you promise to activated them and leave this kitten family alone

Khamsin: yes I will do it thanks Mistral youre very kind...

Mistral put her hand out to him to help him

Khamsin put his hand to her and smiled and start to laught and he throw her away

Mistral: ahhhhhh auuuu

She lays on the floor hurt

Khamsin: phaha oh my old trick you thought I will become normal nah evil is better I lied hahah now Everyone will notice me

Raiden wakes up and looks around and saw Mistral hurt on the floor and he start to cry and think about his past

Flashback from the past

Raiden was 14 and he became a cyborg and he needed to kill his friends

Raiden: I can't.....I can't do friends  can't die......

He gets electro shock and he falls on the ground

Mistral looks at him and she was worried and wanted to go to him but then sam came

Sam: hun you don't cheat right why are you looking at raiden?

Mistral was looking at him and she runs to raiden

Sam: hun my godness come back

Mistral put her hand out to him

Raiden looks at her and he blush after seeing her and he put his hand to her

Raiden: thanks Mistral well I need to tell you something

Mistral: oh what do you wanna tell me?

Raiden: I....I...I love you....

Mistral blush and she was very happy and she say oh my I love you too i wanted to tell you it but I couldn't do it and sam thinks I'm his wife but you're more cuter

Sam looks at them and he runs there angry

Raiden tried to kiss her but he gets push away from him

Sam: Raiden what are you doing you just stole my wife

Mistral was in shock and tries to say something

Sam: no Mistral don't worry you're safe with me

Raiden was in shock and he gets angry and scream at him

Raiden: leave Mistral alone she is mine she loves me more!!!!!!

He kicks him away and he grabs Mistral

Sam stands up and runs to him

Mistral goes behind raiden but then he gets electro shocked by the master and he sells down in pain and sam couldn't stop and hits Mistral instead

Mistral falls on the ground in pain

Sam stand and was in shock

Sam: omg what have I done......

Raiden stands up and he looks at Mistral and runs to her and hugs her

Raiden: omg Mistral wake up pls.....

He start to cry

sam fall in his knees and cried too

Sam: I don't deserve her....I am a monster.....

Raiden hugs her and cry on her

The flashback ends

Raiden came back to reality and his European turns red he was still crying and stands up and runs to khamsin and kicks him away

Raiden: you hurt my gf!!!!!!! You bitch I hope you die in a fire!!!!!!

Khamsin looks at him but he gets kicked away and fall almost to the lava

Raiden looks at him

Raiden: good night Khamsin

He push him and Khamsin falls down and he gets burned in lava

Raiden looks at him falling and he goes back

Raiden wakes everyone up and they was in pain

Raiden heals them

Raiden saw the button and he activated it and broke it and nightmare raiden and his friends wake up and looks around

Raiden freed the kitten family and the kitten runs to the family and they was happy

Raiden: I did it with my only power I defeated him

Everyone say to him whooo raiden is the new cyborg king he saved everyone once again

They clap his hands for him

Raiden: thank you but without you're all help I wouldn't help

Mistral hugs him and kissed him

Mistral: I'm so proud of you raiden I love you

Raiden blush and kiss her back

Raiden: love you too Mistral

Everyone runs to raiden and hugs him

Raiden was happy and smiled

Raiden: alright guys let's go home

They all go home

To be continued.......

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