chapter 3 enemys as friends

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Nightmare dwarf gekkos start to electro everyone

Everyone: ahhhhhh!!!!!

Raiden: we klick they buttons....

Joe: well they are to fast.....

Dwarf gekkos: ay ay

Mistral: huh you think it will work?....

Dwarf gekkos: ay ay

Mistral: alright good luck...

They run to them and say ay ay

Nightmare dwarf gekkos looks at them and say ay ay too

They start to talk to each others

Mistral: huh oh i get it dwarf gekkos will never kill each others because they are like a family and whatever what they look like they don't attack

Dwarf gekkos klick they buttons and they fall down

They stand up and start to say ay ay

Mistral: oh they say thank you for saving us you need to be careful there are more Nightmares but we will join you

Raiden: wow Mistral you really can understand them even as nightmare version

Mistral: I Know they are the same they say always ay ay

Joe: we need to move on before it'd to late

They all run but heard a girl laugh

They look around and they all get trapped in a le'tranger

Sam: what the what's going on?! Huh its a le'tranger wait Mistral is this you're?

Mistral: no I have mine I think something trapped us

They all tried to get out but then a nightmare version of Mistral came and start to laught

Nightmare Mistral: oh hehe that's so cute you're all trapped by my le'tranger there's no way out of it you're doomed I will kill you one by one hehe

Joe: oh no you will not

He activated his nanomashines and tried to break it but nothing happened

Nightmare Mistral: oh pff hahaha how cute you're tries to get out but my le'tranger is very strong and you're nanomashines will not work

Joe was mad and then he looks back at her and saw more nightmare dwarf gekkos coming and they attack her

Nightmare Mistral: huh what going on hey you're on my team you little bastards

She tries to attack them but they electro her and she fell down

Raiden: wow thank you for saving us

Nightmare dwarf gekkos: ay ay

They klick her button and she wakes up and looks around

Nightmare Mistral: my I'm so sorry for this I lost control and wait I am free I am free yes I'm out of control from him

Nightmare dwarf gekkos: ay ay

Nightmare Mistral: oh I'm sorry for you guys I didn't know that but let me help you

she grabs her le'tranger and they all get free from it

Raiden: pheww thanks and we are here for khamsin we need to get him he trapped a kitten family and this kitten is hurt can you lead us to him?

Nightmare Mistral: oh my that's bad ofc I will I will destroy him for doing it to us but there are more of my friends we need to get them too

Raiden: alright we will let's go everyone

They all run to khamsin but on they way someone was standing

Nightmare sam: nice to meet ya all hahaha

To be continued......

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