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Sorry guys, but no happy endings for the green bean. I'm am unable to let him be happy.

'Screw it.'

Izuku was tired and his head felt like it was being cleaved in half. He wanted this day to be over already, he wanted to go to sleep and wake up where everything was normal again. Where nobody knew what kind of person he was.

School could wait.

He suddenly shivered. There was something nagging at the back of his mind. What was it exactly that made his friends want to drop him so badly, without even a word of spite. People always had something nasty to say. It was the only reasonable thing to after all.

So, why couldn't he think of anything?

His phone. He needed to check his phone. He didn't understand where this urgency was coming from, but he just had to. As soon as he reached his dorm he plugged it in, and started to pace around the room while he waited for it to gain battery. Finally after what seemed like an eternity, the screen lit up.

Izuku literally pounced on it, unlocking it as fast as humanly possible, and opened his messaging app. The nausea from earlier returned as his thumb hovered over the link. He shouldn't do it. It was as if something was physically restraining him from opening it, that he would regret it if he did. But he also knew that this probably held the answers to why all his friends were avoiding him.

He clicked it.


The phone slipped from his shaking hand and onto the floor. It all made sense now. They all knew. They all knew what haunted him at night, the phantom hands that caressed his skin when he burrowed too far into himself. They heard the words that he once carved into himself, that he still traces with his fingers. They knew how absolutely disgusting he was. Not only was he worthless but now this? He didn't blame them for leaving him.

He was easy. He was a whore. He was a useless Deku that no one wanted to be around lest they catch his sickness.

Who even found this video? What kind of sick bastard would send this around, to a bunch of teenagers? Why would they subject his classmates to this?

Karma Izuku. It's what you deserve for ever thinking you could actually be anything other than what you really are.

He DID deserve this, didn't he? Izuku couldn't help himself. He laughed and laughed and laughed. At his stupidity, his naivety, his uselessness. But the laughter turned into screams that tore his throat, and he was thankful no one else was in the dorms. Was this divine punishment? Izuku didn't believe in a god, but he sure as hell wanted someone to blame other than himself.

All he wanted to do was be a hero. Was it really so bad to want to follow his dream? Couldn't he just have this one thing? Was he unable to have nothing in his pathetic excuse of a life? He had a quirk now, he wasn't supposed to feel this way. He wasn't supposed to remember these things. What did ever do wrong other than exist against his will.

He screamed until he was hoarse and the taste of blood hit his tongue, but even then he still continued to sob.

Uraraka. Iida. Todoroki. The others.

His friends. His dear friends. (Can he even still call him his friends?) He couldn't fault them in how they reacted, he would have done the same. He was doing it now. He was just glad they stuck with him as long as they did. They gave him a taste of true friendship, filled a hole in his heart that he thought never would be filled. They picked up his broken pieces and put him together.

Just to break him apart again.

And Kacchan.

He saw the video and saw what Izuku really was. He saw him degraded and torn apart in the most terrible ways, and probably thought that he deserved every minute of it. He would be right. Yet, Izuku still thought he would care at least a little, show some compassion to him.

In the End, It's All Just a DreamWhere stories live. Discover now