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PLEASE do NOT, for the love of hell, make your OCs have too many relations to a canon character!

I've seen so many creepypasta OCs that just do this:
Friends: EJ, LJ, JEFF, Sally
Boyfriend: JEFF
Best friend: JEFF

That doesn't even make any sense! It's stupid and annoying! You can make one OC date Jeff, not all of them! That's the only way it'll make sense!

As for Warriors, I've seen so many fanmade kits, which is fine, but at least have a good story behind it. For example, Ravenpaw and Barley can't randomly give birth.

They're both toms, that's physically impossible. If you make one of them transgender, it'll make more sense. If you make them adopt, it'll make sense! Plus, if they adopt, it'll leave so much more potential for a backstory! Creativity, my dudes! (Please remind me never to say "my dudes" ever again.)

Undertale OCs, if I'm being honest, I haven't seen much, but from what I have seen, a lot of them are related to Sans and Papyrus. Please stop doing that. One or two is fine, but too many can completely ruin them.

And please do NOT make an OC be related to a character who isn't the same species as them! If they are called "siblings," then have a good backstory on how they became siblings instead of just a generic "they were adopted."

And this goes for all OCs, do NOT make a genderbend and call them twins! That's just stupid! Don't get me wrong, genderbends are cool to draw and to make, but don't use them as an OC! If you're going to make a genderbend, just make a whole different AU just for the genderbends!

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