Part: 1

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You hated the adoption home you were put in, it's was crammed and full of teenagers. You were never like the other girls, they were cake faced fake tanned bitches, but you were different. You were very quiet and if you had to fight you did. Somehow the head of the adoption home managed to fit all of the 14-16 year old girls in one room with bunks and a small space for all of them, you had posters and CDs in the tiny space while other girls had makeup and mirrors in theirs.

One morning you got woken up by the pushing and shoving of girls in yelling at you "get up emo scum it's adoption day" they kept pushing you and honestly I wouldn't have hurt if they hadn't been pushing on your fresh cuts. "IM UP! IM UP!" You screamed at them because you absolutely could not take anymore pain. As you got up you looked at the clock "7:38" you had 7 minutes to get ready so you quickly grabbed your already packed suitcase under your bed and grabbed some black ripped up skinny jeans and a shirt which had "we all go to hell" written on the front. As you slipped into the clothing you heard the head of the adoption home scream "COME ON GIRLS YOU HAVE TWO MORE MINUTES!" You quickly shuffled to the side of your bed and grabbed some all black converses and slipped them on and brushed your already soft hair just to make it a bit presentable, "COME ON!" You heard someone scream again as you shuffled down the steep set of stairs with the rest of the girls, you saw Gerard And Frank walking over to the room which the 14-15 year old girls were directed, because you were caught off guard you had tumbled down the steps which caused all the girls to laugh at you. Quickly you stood back up and walked into the room "holy shit." You whispered still looking at them "what the fuck are they doing here?!?" You whispered to yourself again. As stood in front you immediately caught their attention, "oh god." You whispered to yourself "mr. Way and mr. Iero, please choose one of the lovely girls and we will get you the paperwork." The director told them. They both stood up and whispered to eachother as they looked at you, they quickly straightened up and pointed to you "her." They said at the same time "m-me?" You pointed at yourself "yea you." Frank said with a chuckling tone. "Well thank you and (y/n) can you please go upstairs and start packing? You most likely will be leaving soon." The director said dismissing you to go and pack, you quickly shuffled out of the room and ran upstairs to the bedroom which you shared. "HELL YEA!" You said excitedly because you were finally getting adopted. You quickly packed all of your posters and CDs into the already packed bag. As you looked inside your bathroom bag you saw the razors "I really shouldn't take these..." You said hunched over the bag. "You won't." You heard a voice say coming from the door way, you nearly jumped hearing the voice, as you looked up it was Gerard "please don't." He said again as you looked up. "I-i won't I promise" you said standing up and walking over to the bathroom and throw bing them in the toilet "see." You said as you flushed them. "Thank you." He said smiling and hugging you "I promise it will get better." He said as you were nearly in tears "now CMON grab your bags and let's go, we signed all of your paperwork and you just need to say bye and we can go" he said as Frank yelled from the bottom of the steps "READY!?!" . Gerard look back at him "don't yell GODAMMIT.. She's coming!" He said walking you down the stairs as you held your small bag. Took the bag "I got it." He said assuring that you could give your bag to him. Frank opened the front door for you letting you walk out first and Gerard behind you.

*authors commentary*

Hiii lovely, I'm sorry if this was short im a bit busy but thank you for reading all the way down to here 😊❤️💖

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