☆ Chapter 1 - Unforeseen Fate

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Phoenix's POV

If I had known the night would seal my fate in unimaginable ways, I would have turned back at the entrance. But the pull of curiosity was too strong, and stepping through the door became my undoing.

The air inside the grand ballroom was thick with a cacophony of scents. The earthy aroma of werewolves mingled with the sweet fragrance of witches, while the metallic tang of vampires and the enchanting aura of fairies completed the sensory symphony. As the mingling odors intertwined with the mouthwatering scent of rich food and drinks, a sense of apprehension gripped my heart. If only I could turn back time and avert the impending disaster.

I hissed urgently after Lisa's retreating figure, "Where do you think you're going? We need to stick together."

The room buzzed with soft chatter and the clinking of glasses, creating an electric energy that coursed through my body. Lisa stopped and turned around, crossing her arms as she frowned. "To the buffet table. I'm hungry," she said, her stomach audibly grumbling.

Rolling my eyes, I replied, "You're always hungry."

"Please?" she pleaded.

Sighing, I pinched my nose to block out the overwhelming sensory input. "Fine."

"Yay!" she exclaimed, grabbing my hand and pulling me toward the tantalizing display of food.

As we approached the lavish spread, my gaze wandered, questioning the purpose of this high society gathering. Elaborate floral arrangements adorned the room, their vibrant colors complementing the sparkling chandeliers. The guests, dressed in their finest attire, moved gracefully through the space. Soft music hummed in the background, adding to the surreal atmosphere.

The room pulsed with life, voices overlapping and champagne glasses clinking in celebration. The scent of freshly cut flowers mingled with the alluring perfumes worn by the attendees, creating a heady and floral aroma. People adorned in glittering dresses and sharp suits moved with grace and confidence, reflecting the opulence of the setting.

The magnificent chandeliers above cast a warm golden glow, infusing the room with a regal ambiance. They glittered and gleamed, as if we were gathered in a palace rather than a ballroom.

A waitress approached, her heels clicking on the marble floor as she handed me a plate of rich, velvety chocolate cake. I quickly realized I had no utensil to savor it with.

I pointed at the cake and raised an eyebrow, silently pleading for a fork. However, the waitress seemed preoccupied with another table, leaving me to fend for myself. As I took a step toward the dessert table to find a fork, disaster struck. My heel caught on the hem of my dress, sending me stumbling backward. I braced myself for an inevitable fall, but before I hit the cold tile ground, strong arms wrapped around me, preventing the impact.

I opened my eyes to find myself staring at a chocolate-covered face. It was my own cake that the waiter had handed me. The guy scowled and released his hold on me, causing me to fall onto the cold floor. I burst out laughing, finding the situation absurd, but my amusement quickly vanished when I noticed his angry expression.

"What the heck?" I scowled at him as he walked away.

"Well, aren't you going to help me?" I asked my friend Lisa, who stood nearby, still engrossed in her cake. But she seemed oblivious to my plea, ignoring me for the fourth time since we arrived.

"Hey, he looked familiar. Do you know who he is?" Lisa mumbled between bites, barely audible over the thumping music.

"Oh, now you pay attention?" I crossed my arms, growing frustrated. "Did you see how angry he looked? And when he saw your face, it was as if he had seen a ghost."

"Ah, nope, I was too busy laughing my ass off," Lisa chuckled, still munching on her cake. The sound grated on my nerves.

Lisa's insistent tugging pulled me toward the dance floor, where the pulsating rhythm of the music reverberated through the air. The bass thumped in my chest, and vibrant lights cast a kaleidoscope of colors onto the moving bodies.

Despite my uneasiness, I couldn't resist swaying my hips to the beat, gradually surrendering to the infectious energy. Lisa's mischievous eyes glinted in the dim light, and a playful smirk danced across her lips as she urged me on.

The mingling scents of perfume and sweat enveloped me as we approached the dance floor, where bodies moved with synchronized grace. The music swelled, filling the room with Selena Gomez's "Fetish." In that moment, a stranger cleared his throat behind us, his hand extended toward me, inviting me to dance. Uncertainty washed over me as I questioned the appropriateness of slow dancing to such a provocative song.

My inner wolf whispered mischievously, urging me to embrace spontaneity and take a chance on this mysterious stranger. Yet, the voice of reason nagged at the back of my mind, warning me of potential consequences.

As I wavered between conflicting thoughts, Lisa's sly smirk pushed me forward, propelling me into the stranger's awaiting hand. With a mischievous grin, she vanished into the crowd of dancing bodies.

The stranger caught my hand as I stumbled, his touch warm and steady. "Are you okay?" he asked, his voice gentle and concerned. I nodded, trying to shake off the dizziness. "Yeah," I managed to say, my voice unsteady.

"Are you looking for your friend?" he asked, scanning the crowd. I nodded again, grateful for his help. "Yes, have you seen her?" I asked, hoping he might know where she was.

Half-Blooded Secrets: Wolf, Demon and Love (Available on AlphaNovel)Where stories live. Discover now