☆ Chapter 3 - The Quest for Blue Fairy Hair and a Magical Mushroom

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Phoenix's POV

I groaned as Lisa rolled off me. "Fuck," I muttered, getting up and brushing myself off.

I deadpanned, "Where's the fire?"

She rolled her eyes. "Get it? Because we're in—"

"I get it, ha ha," I interrupted, realizing she wasn't in the mood for my jokes.

Suddenly, she started screaming and jumping around. Confused, I watched her continue for a full minute, growing impatient and tapping my feet. Finally, she calmed down and said, "The Supernatural Academy of All Things Supernatural has an opening for ten supernatural creatures."

She shrieked, and I joined in, both of us hugging and jumping around, screaming with excitement at the top of our lungs, probably waking up all the demons. But, hey, this was a joyous occasion.

"Why are you girls screaming?" my father's voice interrupted our celebration. We halted and slowly turned around, all signs of happiness gone.

"Well," I said sheepishly, "the academy has an opening for supernatural creatures, and we want to go."

He raised an eyebrow and looked at Lisa. "I didn't do anything," she quickly said, raising her hands.

"So, can we go, please?" I batted my eyelashes and pouted.

"No," he said firmly.

"Please," I pleaded.

"No," he repeated.

"Please," I continued, my desperation growing.

This went on for some time until I screamed, "Why can't I go? I'm bored of spending my entire life in the underworld, never seeing the outside world or interacting with other magical creatures."

"Please excuse us, Lisa," he said, and she nodded and walked away, looking at me sadly.

He sighed and crossed his arms. "Sweetie, you know I have a lot of enemies, and you shouldn't be roaming around."

"I'll be careful, I promise. Please. All I want is to explore and learn about the world," I begged.

He furrowed his brow and rested his palm on his hip. "But haven't you already—"

I chuckled uneasily, avoiding eye contact. "I don't know what you mean."

"I mean you going out and making sure you come back at the stroke of 12 for your training," he grinned.

I bit the inside of my lower lip. "You know?"

"All the time, but my answer is still no. Now get some rest. I'll see you later," he said and gave me a peck on the head before leaving. What I said, on the other hand, put a stop to his progress.

"Mom would want this," I said.

He sighed and mumbled, "Yes, yes, she would."

After a moment of silence, he said, "Yes."

My eyes widened. "What?"

He turned around and said, "Yes, you may go."

"Yes!" I exclaimed, leaping and clapping my hands.

"I'm not done," he said.

I immediately came to a halt and waited for him to continue, my smile never fading.

"You can go if you complete a task," he said, smirking.

Somehow, I knew I would regret agreeing to this. "Anything," I said.

"I'm glad you say so," he smirked again.

"I need a piece of blue fairy hair."

"Okay, that's not so bad," I shrugged, turning to leave.

"I'm not finished," he said, and I groaned.

"I also need a magical mushroom from the Witch Kingdom."

"I thought I only needed to do one thing. Why are there two?" I scowled.

"I need it for a spell," he said, his tone impatient and demanding. I quickly shook my head, feeling a bit intimidated by his energy, and raised my hands in surrender. "Are you going to complain?" he asked, looking at me with an arched brow.

"Wait, who is the blue fairy, and what is this magical mushroom?" I asked, puzzled and a bit nervous. I wasn't sure I wanted to be involved in anything to do with spells and magic, but curiosity was getting the better of me.

He shook his head and let out a sigh. "Well, you better get to the library and start searching. You only have a week before school starts," he said, his voice firm and commanding.

I let out a deep sigh, feeling the weight of the task ahead of us. "Wait, we have a library?" I asked in disbelief. I had never heard of a library in the underworld, and I couldn't help but feel curious about it.

Lisa, who had been quiet all this time, piped up, "What do we need to look for?" Her voice was soft and hesitant, and I could tell she was feeling uneasy about the whole situation.

I let out another sigh, feeling the weight of responsibility on my shoulders. "We need to find out who the blue fairy is, where we can find her, and this magical mushroom."

So we made our way to the library, and as soon as we stepped inside, I was struck by the beauty of the place. The shelves were lined with books on anything you could think of, and there were strange-looking creature skeletons and potions on display. The air was thick with the scent of old books and magic, and I couldn't help but feel a sense of wonder and excitement.

As we searched for a book that contained information on the two enchanted objects, luck was not on our side. We spent hours flipping through pages and scouring the shelves, but we still hadn't found anything useful. The sun was setting, and night was approaching.

"What's this?" Lisa mumbled, staring at a book. As she unlocked it, a dazzling light shone, and the roar of a dragon echoed throughout the library. Startled, she dropped the book, and I rushed to close it before anything could escape or lure her. My heart pounded in my chest, and fear coursed through my veins.

I almost forgot that some books had the power to transport you to another dimension or summon someone or anything when you opened them. I had no idea such books existed! I made a mental note to be more careful and alert as we continued our search.

Lisa's stomach growled loudly, the sound filling the room. She slumped back onto the couch, rubbing her hands over her empty belly. I could practically feel the hunger radiating off her.

As I heard approaching footsteps, I let out a sigh of frustration.

"Have you had any luck?" he asked, his voice tinged with amusement.

Lisa cried out once more, "None," her voice trembling with frustration. I could see tears forming in the corners of her eyes, tugging at my heartstrings.

And then, to my disbelief, he chuckled. The nerve of this guy finding our predicament amusing! I clenched my fists, my blood boiling with anger.

He pushed a book towards me, and I couldn't help but give it a suspicious look. "Here. It tells you everything you need to know about the mushroom and the fairy." Furrowing my brows, I took the book, trying to hide my surprise.

"Did you have this all along and not say anything?" I grumbled, flipping through the pages. My right eye twitched with annoyance as I read through the information, feeling irritated that he could have saved us so much time if he had just shared the book earlier.

He chuckled again, and I felt my jaw clench as I bit my lower lip. I shot him a hard stare, trying to convey my frustration through my eyes. And to my absolute annoyance, he laughed again. Ugh!

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