☆ Chapter 2 - Unsettling Encounters

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Third Person POV

As Phoenix and the stranger scoured the crowd for Lisa, an unsettling feeling settled in Phoenix's mind. Something about this unfamiliar person felt off—perhaps it was the constant watchful gaze or the lingering touch that made Phoenix uneasy. However, their primary focus remained on finding their friend and escaping the current situation.

Shallow gasps escaped Phoenix's lips as they and the stranger maneuvered through the pulsating crowd. The cacophony of voices and music assaulted their ears, while the flashing lights synchronized with the booming bass sent waves of dizziness crashing over them.

The stranger's hand on Phoenix's arm provided stability as they navigated the chaotic club, preventing them from collapsing as their legs wobbled like jelly. A stumble threatened to send Phoenix tumbling, but the stranger swiftly caught them with strong, dependable arms, offering a rare sense of security after hours of uncertainty.

Amid their search for Lisa, the stranger's voice acted as a lifeline amidst the mayhem. With a gentle touch and a constant stream of reassurance, they guided Phoenix through the intricate maze of the club.

"Maybe she's in the restroom?" The stranger's words were muffled by the ringing in Phoenix's ears, but the suggestion was clear. Trying to nod, Phoenix found their head weighed down like a heavy burden, lacking the strength to lift it.

The sound of knocking on a nearby door shattered the enveloping silence, causing Phoenix's heart to pound with fear. Was it someone approaching with harmful intentions? Unable to discern amidst the jumble of thoughts, Phoenix's mind became tangled and slipped away, lost in a swirling storm of confusion.

Suddenly, it felt as though Phoenix's body no longer belonged to them alone. They experienced a merging sensation with something else, simultaneously exhilarating and terrifying. Conflicting emotions clashed within, fueling a desperate hope that they wouldn't succumb to regrettable actions. Sensing the mounting tension in the stranger's grip on their arm, Phoenix felt their determination to keep them steady.

The pounding on the bathroom door echoed in Phoenix's ears, causing her head to throb. She struggled to steady herself, but the world around her blurred as her merged side took control. The merging of her wolf and demon forms filled her with a strange euphoria.

From her vantage point, Phoenix observed as her merged side seized the man's hand and pulled him towards the balcony. Although he sensed something was amiss, he followed her without questioning.

Once outside, Phoenix swiftly employed a spell her father had taught her, ensuring the man couldn't escape. She pleaded with her merged side to stop, to think rationally, but it was futile. Her other half refused to listen and forcefully pressed the man against the balcony door.

Crackling with amethyst lightning, Phoenix's moonlight blue eyes traced a finger across the man's face, stirring an intense desire within him. Despite realizing the predicament he was in, he couldn't tear his gaze away from her. He gently pushed Phoenix away, but her merged side yanked her back, deepening the kiss. They found humor in the audacity of the situation and braced themselves against the door, their bodies pressed together. The glass fogged up as their passionate kissing escalated, and the man's hands roamed over Phoenix's form.

Leaving a trail of kisses and bite marks on her neck, the sensations overwhelmed Phoenix, and she became lost in the moment.

Suddenly, as the clock struck midnight, Phoenix regained her senses. She forcefully pushed the man away and hurriedly fled from the building, teleporting back to her room. The man sighed deeply, his mind racing with thoughts of what had just occurred. Frustrated, he punched the wall, creating a sizable dent, contemplating how he had allowed himself to become entangled in such a reckless encounter.

"Why did you do that?" Phoenix asked, her voice tinged with irritation. She quickly stripped out of her black dress and slipped into her training outfit, feeling the cool fabric against her skin. The tension in her muscles was palpable.

"He was hot, and you know we like to have fun when we merge," the voice of her demon side replied with a smug grin, causing Phoenix to roll her eyes. Her merged sides were always the reckless ones, constantly seeking thrills. At least they didn't force her to sleep with anyone.

"You enjoy it," the werewolf side taunted her, their voice low and seductive.

"As if," she retorted, her lips twisting into a scowl. She despised the way they made assumptions about her.

"Don't kid yourself," they persisted, but she ignored them and pushed past, heading towards the training grounds.

The hallway leading to the grounds was pitch-black, and Phoenix relied on her enhanced senses to navigate. Shifting into her half form, her senses became sharper, allowing her to see in the darkness. The sound of her footsteps echoed through the empty halls, her breathing heavy with anticipation.

Upon opening the door, the bright lights of the room momentarily blinded her, causing her to squint until her eyes adjusted. She unmerged and transformed back into her human form, feeling a sense of relief wash over her. The training facility was vast and impressive, resembling that of a military establishment, complete with a self-restructuring maze.

"You're late," her father barked, his voice echoing through the room like a gunshot. His commander's tone was stern and unwavering, and Phoenix knew better than to defy him.

"I'm only a minute late," she protested, her tone defiant.

"You're still late," he grumbled, his irritation evident.

"Whatever," she muttered under her breath, feeling anger simmering inside her.

"Don't get sassy, young lady," he warned, wagging his index finger at her.

She couldn't help but smile. "Okay, old man."

"You," he sighed, his voice heavy with frustration, "just start training."

"What's first?" she asked, her voice eager.

"Running. You have one minute to run seven miles. Go," he commanded.

And with that, she took off, her legs pumping as fast as they could. The wind whipped through her hair, and she could feel her muscles burning. She finished slightly out of breath, panting heavily as she came to a stop.

"One minute and thirty seconds. Not good enough," her father declared, disappointment evident on his face.

Half-Blooded Secrets: Wolf, Demon and Love (Available on AlphaNovel)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora