Chapter 1: The news don't lie

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Minho Pov:

Welcome to the week review. As you know. In the following week 7 people has been kidnapped. Everyone is suspicious that all these disappeared people lead to the same person or how people calls him/her the kidnapper of the rainbow roses. The nickname is because this 7 people disappeared with no clue but a rose of a different colour per one of them.

The first one was the prince Hwang Hyunjin of the Ellyan kingdom. He disappeared in the middle of a play on the inauguration of a new theatre when the lights were cut off. Two people were killed and the unique thing left was a bright red rose on his sit.

The second one occurred on Tuesday. A young farmer boy of the Ilsding kingdom called Yang Jeongin.
The only thing we know is he went to sleep and disappeared the morning after, when they found a sky blue rose in his bed.

On Wednesday a music student of the Anne kingdom was his next victim. Han Jisung was last seen in his studio with his friends. He left them to study piano plays in the music room. No one knew were he was after that. The next morning there was a violet purple rose on the musics room piano.

This same day in the afternoon in the Clairin kingdom Bang Christoffer Chan went missing. His gym partners went to see him because he didn't answer his messages, unusual of him, and were worried. The door of his apartment was locked and no one was answering so they called the police. The police didn't find him in there but they found a black rose on his kitchen sink.

On Friday the medicine student Kim Seungmin was the 5th one kidnapped. This time the medicine student wasn't seen after his class break but in his student apartment there was a white rose.

The sixth person kidnapped was a Royal guard from Mr. Toren. The king of of Bairdis kingdom. He didn't have a high guard position. He was saving money for his studies because his family is poor and couldn't afford it. He took his break to go eat, the other guards that where with him left some time before him. Minutes after they came to check on him 'cose his break time passed and he didn't go to work. He wasn't there, he wasn't in the table they usually eat but even though he wasn't there a green rose was laying on the table.

And last but not least on Sunday's afternoon. Lee Felix, from the Edith kingdom, was the last one kidnapped this week. After doing his last shift at his family bakery he went for a walk and never came back. His sister, Olivia, went to find him but she only found a yellow rose.

All the families are devastated for this past events. As sure, the kingdoms are throwing threats to each other but mostly us because our kingdom is the only one that didn't suffer the consequences of the kidnapper of the rainbow roses. The Ellyan kingdom is the one is taking the situation in a stream way. Our kingdom has responded to all of this telling we are not responsible for the past disappeared people...

Me: I don't understand why I have to watch the news with you!

Mom: Minho, you are grounded.

Me: And?

Mom: And you have to stay at home the next tree months so behave.

Me: Argh! I'm in college mom!

Mom: You might be in college but you have the mental age of a hormonal and irresponsible 15 year old. All you do is party, get drunk, fu€k around and skip classes. Classes that you are failing and we have to pay! So no more go out if you don't study!

Me: Argh! I'm going to my room. Tell me when diner is ready!

I stood up and slammed my bedroom's door shut raughly. I was tired of my Parents controlling me. I hate college and I know architecture is not for me. But they keep insisting on me to study it. I have always had a rebellious behaviour with everything, and something I am sure about is that today in the evening I'm sneaking out.

My true dream has always been in become a dancer. Every Saturday me and my dancer friends meet up. They teach me everything they've learnt. Every movement, every step, Everything.

*Time Skip*

I heard their breaths and my mom's snores. Then I knew they were fully asleep. I would love to say I am leaving to one of my friends dance class but unfortunately not. I'm going to a very popular club.

I passed through the street market as I wached a girl follow me. She was hot but it wasn't giving me a good vibe. I stepped out of the crowded place and went to a big distance alley to check if she was following me, and she was. I scanned my surroundings to see were could I leave safely but there was nothing. My steps grew heavier as I kept walking. She took my shoulder but I was faster. I took her wrist and pinned her against the wall.

Me: What do you?!- Auch*She kicked my stomach and threw me on the floor covering my face with a suspicious piece of fabric. Not so long after my eyes felt heavy and closed slowly.*

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