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Ned's POV

As I leave my guards to take on the last of the Targaryen forces, I rush up the tower hoping that I am no too late to save Lyanna and bring her home. Even though Robert started this entire rebellion to marry Lyanna, but truthfully I would keep Lyanna with me up in the north and safe away from the south. Starks never fare well in the south. Making it to the top of the Tower of Joy trying to find Lyanna, and I do find her just covered in her own blood dying slowly, with a nursemaid in the back holding a babe as another sits in the cradle along the wall.

"Ned, come see." I walk over to the chair and sit. "Bring the boy." The maid brings over the dark haired baby that looks like a pure stark.

"His name is Aegon and he is the last living son of Rhaegar Targaryen and if Robert ever finds out about about him, we all know what will happen to him. Does he know that you are here?"

"Robert knows that I came to retrieve you. I will raise the child as my own, and I will keep him safe." She nods her head.

"Bring me," Lyanna took a shuddered breath, "my girl." The nurse bring over the other child and as she is put into my other arms I see the most beautiful little girl. She has big steel grey-blue eyes with beautiful brown hair that has streaks of silver throughout it. "Her name is Rhaella, now she will be harder to hide, you must tell Robert the truth about her only, say that she is the only child. Promise me Ned, please."

"I will." I turn to the nurse. "Is there nothing that you can do?" The nurse just shakes her head as Lyanna takes her last deep breath.

The world went silent except for the noises coming from the children in my arms.

The trip to King's Landing was long on the babes and the nurses that accompanied me from the Tower of Joy.

Upon arrival to King's Landing I tell the nurse with Jon(Aegon's new name) to wait in the carriage as I took Rhaella to Robert. As the gates open and I walk to the throne room.

"Ned, have you returned with Lyanna, and whose babe is that?" I nearly start to tear up then I remember my promise to my sister.

"Robert, Lyanna did not make it, her body is in a carriage in the caravan that I am taking back to the north, where she will be buried with our mother, brother, and father. And this little beauty here is her daughter, Rhaella." I walk to the edge of the throne to show the babe to Robert.

Robert's POV

I slowly walk down the steps of the Iron Throne, the one that I claimed for Lyanna, for her to be dead and leave behind a babe with the man that took her and started this whole war, I am set on destroying all Targaryens but how was I supposed to ever kill or hurt the last part of her.

I walk closer to ned and looked down at the baby in his arms and slowly brought my the back of my hand to the baby's cheek. The baby girl opened her eyes and looked up at me with the same beautiful grey eyes that Lyanna herself had, the same grey blue eyes that almost all Starks, though Ned's were more blue and from what I understood that came from his mother. The baby girl reached for my finger and grabbed on to it and held it with all of her might. Her dark brown hair had strands of platinum white hair peaking through, that can lead me to the definite conclusion of who her father is, Rhaegar Targaryen.

I slowly take the child from Ned and hold her close in my arms. "Her father, Ned, is Rhaegar Targaryen isn't it." Ned just nodded his head, "Was she-" Ned stopped me before I can even finish my own thought.

Dragon in Stags Clothing (Multiple Love Interests)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora