The Quiet is Over

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TW:Birth, Death, mature themes, and language

Third Person P.O.V.

         It was later that very same day that once again Lyrella had a nightmare. Yet known to no one not even herself Lyrella was a dragon dreamer, and she was paying for it. Many historians say that the dragon dreamers were blessed with the future, but others say they are faced with the horror of the future and that it was their job to change it, leading many to madness; and for a world that hates Targaryens (Lyrella excluded). Who was she to think that they were anything other than nightmares. For she knew nothing of her true-born father's family and their history. So every night since the beginning of her step-mother pregnancy, she saw the deaths of everyone she has ever loved. It started with her Uncle Ned, then Ser Barriston, then she saw Marissa dying in a cell. They changed persons every night but tonight, it was her father that she saw, she saw Robert Baratheon being killed by a boar. Taking the advice of Lord Andar Lyrella did not go to go the Lady Marissa, she also did not go to Ser Barriston, no she ran to her father, who was currently rather occupied, not that she knew.

As the you Lyrella runs past Ser Barriston down the hall to her father's chambers running past Ser Jamie was the guard that night. Ser Barriston called down the hall for Ser Jamie to catch her, it sadly failed and Lyrella ran into the chambers to her fathers bed chambers.

Robert's P.O.V.

I hear footsteps running towards my door, I push the girls off of me and sit up, I wonder who in their right fucking mind would disturb me. The next thing that I know is I see the doors to my bed chambers slam open and little Lyrella standing in the door crying her eyes out. "Turn around girl." She does as I ask, I gesture for the two women to leave. They quickly dress and leave the room. This is not how I planed the night to go. I planned on having fun with my whores while I drank on wine throughout the night, but seeing the little girl, in which I have neglected, standing there, face covered in tears, I sobered up real fast. I slipped out of bed and pulled on pants. I see the blonde fucker and Ser Barriston waiting in the main part of the chamber not taking another move closer, both clearly curious about whats about to happen. "You can look at me now." Lyrella turns slowly towards me and launches herself into my arms.

"Oh, papa I had a nightmare, I was so scared that you were gone!" She starts crying into my neck. I slowly start to rub her back, and shushing her, trying to calm her down. Gods, I have no idea how to handle a child, especially a crying one. Hearing her call me papa, just did something to me, I felt happy, I smiled a bit, and pulled her back so that I could wipe the tears from her face.

"What was the dream about Lyrella?"

"I dreamed that you died, that someone poisoned your wine and you were killed by a boar." I wipe her eyes, I am not planning on going hunting anytime soon, alright?" she nods her head.

"Can I spend the night with you please?" I sigh and look at my bed that only moments before had two whores in it, so thats not going to happen.

"Does you room have a big girl bed?" She nods her head enthusiastically, "then we may go there." I walk away and put on a white undershirt and pick her up. I look to Ser Barriston to lead the way, because I have no way of knowing which way is her chamber. As I carry her to her chamber's, I remember the promise that I made Ned, to Lyanna, to raise and car for this child as if she was my own. I have ignored this child basically her whole life and yet she has a dream where I die and she became unconsolable. Maybe I do need to step up my game and become a father to her, with Marissa pregnant, she doesn't need all of this responsibility while so heavily pregnant.

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