Chapter Nine: Rain

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Benny made his way below deck to search for Business as the others gathered to watch the island approach, stopping at his and Emmet's shared cabin. The door was cracked, and he nudged it the rest of the way open. Sure enough, the man in question was sitting at the desk Metalbeard had so thoughtfully provided him, staring listlessly at his laptop. "Hey... Sirius?" He startled and looked over, snatching the glasses off his face and trying to hide them.

Business scowled at him when he realized who it was. "Come to give me more grief for what happened up there?"

"Actually no, I was wondering if you'd like to come up and get some sun with us." Benny gave him a lopsided grin. "You're getting kinda pasty, hiding so much."

Business stared at him. Benny was teasing him.

...Benny was teasing him.

"What happened after I left, to make you change your mind?"

"Emmet happened," the astronaut admitted, looking sheepish.

Business huffed out a laugh. "Yeah, that'll do it," he chuckled. "Alright, I'll come."

"Yes!" Benny cheered, floating upward. "By the way, don't hide your glasses, man, they're cute."

Business spluttered at that. "Are you- are you hitting on me?"

"Nope!" the astronaut chirped. "Just stating fact!"

He blushed. "I thought they just made me look old..."

"Dude, you are old." Benny grinned at him, and he gave the astronaut a sour look.

"Gee, thanks for that."

"You're welcome!" Benny snickered. Business huffed at him, but smiled to himself once Benny's back was turned. It looked like things would turn out okay after all.

Once they were safely ashore, Metalbeard led the way through the dense foliage. It was a surprisingly short walk, barely even half an hour from the beach to the crumbling temple. "That was fast," Emmet remarked.

"Aye, tis not a very large island," Metalbeard agreed. Business was grinning ear to ear as he pulled out his tablet to start taking pictures.

"What's with the torches?" Emmet asked as they walked inside.

"What?" Metalbeard looked around, blinking to see six lit now. "There was only one alight when I visited, how...?"

"Magic," Unikitty said as she passed. "I can feel it. I don't know what the significance of it is yet, though." Bad Cop froze suddenly in the entryway. Emmet was at his side in an instant, catching him before he could topple over.

"Bad Cop?!" He didn't answer, merely resting his head on Emmet's shoulder.

"Again?" Benny questioned.

"That one hit me out of nowhere..." the officer mumbled.

"Maybe it's a reaction from the magic in here?" Unikitty suggested. "I mean, I've been paying attention, and it usually only seems to happen when you're emotionally stressed, but you were perfectly relaxed until you stepped in here so it's the only thing I can think of."

"...I didn't even notice," Bad Cop said, giving her a curious look. Feeling steady again, he straightened up. "You can let go now, Emmet."


"I think I found the source!" Business called from some distance away, poking his head back into the main chamber. He blinked to see everyone crowding Bad Cop. "Did I miss something?"

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