Chapter Twenty-Six: A Kiss to Build A Dream On

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As it turned out, no one else particularly wanted to break up their group just yet either, so Metalbeard dropped anchor for them to stay the night. Though the phonograph was one of the salvaged items, and Sirius obligingly played some music for them, their celebration was a rather subdued affair. It hung over them like a heavy cloud, the thought that they would all have to split up and return to their humdrum lives the next day. Bricksburg was less than a day's sailing away.

Emmet stood at the railing, watching the sun as it slowly sank beneath the water, painting the sky vibrant orange and deep blue. Lucy stepped up beside him, laying one of her hands over his wordlessly. "It's beautiful, isn't it?" Emmet said. "You don't see sunsets like this in the city, all the buildings get in the way. But out here, you get such a perfect view."

Lucy smiled and squeezed his hand. "It's lovely," she agreed. "Hey, Emmet..."

"Hm?" he asked, not looking away from the horizon.

"I've been meaning to ask, for a while now..." He finally turned to look at her, gaze questioning. "Do you ever regret being dragged into our fight? I mean, you nearly died like three times, and got hurt so many others... Not to mention, we probably didn't make a great first impression..."

"That's a bit of an understatement," Emmet teased. "But... no. I don't regret it. How could I? I made some of the best friends I've ever had, met the most amazing woman..." Lucy blushed. "And I learned some very valuable lessons, about myself, and the world. All the scary, painful things I went through in those three days? Totally worth the family I finally found in you all."

Lucy smiled at him, wiping her eyes. "I really don't understand how so many people could just overlook you the way they did. They really need to take another look, cause you are such a remarkable person, Emmet. And I'm so glad I met you." She leaned in, gently pressing her lips to his. Emmet's face turned bright red, and he kissed her back enthusiastically.

"I love you too," he told her when they finally pulled apart, and she smiled. A shriek startled the pair, and they turned to see Unikitty with an impossibly wide grin.

"OHMYGOSH YOU GUYS!!" she gushed, bouncing. Lucy's face turned crimson with embarrassment, and Emmet gave a shy grin, pulling her close. "That was soooo cute!"

"It's about time," Benny teased, snickering.

"Oh, leave the kids alone, ye two," Metalbeard scolded. "They don't need ye bein' all up in their business." Unikitty giggled and bounced away, and Benny gave them a wink before moving back to Bad Cop's side. Lucy grumbled, burying her face in Emmet's shoulder.

"Didn't know we had an audience..."

Emmet smiled and held her close. "They're just happy for us. They mean well." Lucy closed her eyes, relaxing in his hold.

After the sun set and the stars came out, they rejoined their friends, sitting on the deck and staring up at the night sky, another sight so rarely seen in Bricksburg. Almost predictably, Metalbeard started in with stories about the constellations and how they were formed. Lucy smiled when Emmet's head dropped to her shoulder, the construction worker snoring softly, and wrapped her arms around him, holding him close as he dozed.

~* *~

Business had a limo waiting for them when they arrived at the docks, ready to drive everyone back to their apartments. They said their goodbyes to Metalbeard and Unikitty before the captain and the princess went their separate ways. Emmet bounced excitedly in his seat, trying very hard not to press face and hands against the windows as he craned his neck to see. "This is my first time riding in a limo," he enthused, grinning.

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