Chapter Thirteen: Running Up That Hill

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"What's going on?" Lucy asked as they pulled her aside. She didn't seem happy to leave her conversation with Emmet.

"Bad Cop needs your help with something mindspace-related," Benny opened. She gave the cop an expectant look, waiting for him to speak.

"There's someone else in my head, and it's not Alastar," he stated bluntly.

Lucy tilted her head at him, confused and cautious but also a little intrigued. "And what exactly will I be doing?"

"The only way I'm able to get into my own mindspace would be to switch out," he explained. "If I do that though, that puts whatever is in my head right now in control. One, that would defeat the purpose of venturing into there to see what it is, because then it wouldn't be there. Two, I don't know what it is, and I really don't like the thought of it running around in my body causing who knows what sort of trouble. Three... I don't know if I would even be able to switch back in if I tried that. Consider yourself insurance that I'll be able to make it back."

She huffed at him. "Fine. Come on, we're going to your cabin."


"Because it'll be easier to get into your head if you're feeling more at ease. If you're tense, like you really look like you are right now, it'll just cause problems. Benny, you're coming too."

"What?!" the astronaut yelped. "Why me?"

"Because Vitruvius was the only person skilled enough to go delving into people's mindspaces alone. I am not Vitruvius, and I am not risking my sanity, or Bad Cop's. Besides, he trusts you, and maybe that'll help with my 'intrusion'."

Bad Cop looked at Benny and shrugged. "I'm not about to argue with that."

"Well, alright then..."

"Are you not comfortable with, Benny?"

"I've never done it before. It just seems kinda... risky, to me."

Lucy gave him a reassuring smile. "Don't worry, I do know what I'm doing. I doubt anything will be happening externally, and if anything happens internally, I can get us all back out." Benny nodded, feeling a little better at that. "Alright, sit down and get comfy. Since this will be a first for the both of you, I don't want to risk you falling over and getting hurt." They did as requested, sitting on the bottom bunk. "Okay, now close your eyes and relax."

Bad Cop found himself losing focus as Lucy began to chant, and between one breath and the next, he found himself opening his eyes again inside his mindscape. It... wasn't what he'd been expecting at all, and apparently even Lucy wasn't prepared for the pitch black they found themselves in. "Oh!" she gasped. "Bad Cop? Benny?"

"I'm here," Bad Cop assured, carefully reaching out in the direction of her voice. His hand found her arm, and she jumped badly. "Sorry, that was me."

"Guys?!" Benny yelped.

"Hang on..."

"Why is it so dark?"

"A person's mindscape tends to reflect their state of mind," Lucy murmured. "Bad Cop, I never realized... How long has it been like this?"

"...Probably since shortly after you broke Emmet out of the Melting Chamber."

Lucy flinched. "Is that when Business erased Good Cop?"


"...I'm so sorry..."

"You're not at fault, Lucy."

"Just because he blamed you for it doesn't mean you are either!" He didn't answer, instead concentrating hard, and slowly their surroundings brightened. "...Are you?"

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