Chapter 2: The Carnival

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After a few days gone by ilyas woke up seeing that the rain was gone he texted in the group chat that he was going to spend time with Moon. ilyas looked and saw he has fallen asleep by Moon. "She so cute when she is sleeping maybe I can make her something to eat" ilyas thought to himself as he walked downstairs he started to have small feelings for Moon but didn't know how to say it, he made the food and took it to Moon, as he walked in the room he saw Moon just now waking up. "G-good Morning miss!" ilyas said making up something on the spot he was blushing a little bit. "Thanks!" Moon said taking the plate and eating the food. "Wanna go to the Carnival?" ilyas asked as he twilled his fingers together, Moon nodded and got ready they both got in the car and drove off. Moon was putting her hair up in a ponytail. "So moon I heard that you like a lot of animal's!" ilyas said. "Yea I do love them, my mum used to adopt anything that was in need" moon said they begin to chat about everything in their lives until they had reached where they needed to be. "Where here" ilyas said as he walked out he went to Moon door before he opened it for her and took her paw and walked to the parks. "Watch ur step!!!" ilyas said before Moon fell into his chest both of them stood there blushing for a second they went into the park and held hands so they wouldn't get lost. "Stay here I'm going to get something for you!" ilyas said before he used his super speed to run and find a wolf plushie he came back to Moon chasing her tail. "Sorry that I act like a wolf! It's a habit!" Moon said. "Idc that you act like that! But I did get you something!" ilyas said before he took the plushie from his back and gave it to Moon. "Here!" ilyas added. Moon hugged her plushie and took a hedgehog one from her back they both hugged each other. ilyas snuck a small kiss on Moon neck. They went on some rides. "So how far do you like this trip?" ilyas asked sitting down by Moon. "I love it very much! I love coming to the carnival!" Moon said happily the ride started to move after a few times that's when it stopped since something was wrong with the panel. "What's going on?!?!?!' Moon asked in worry and fear. "I-I think we are stuck!" ilyas said before he saw Moon about to cry outta fear ilyas hugged her tightly. "Where going to be alright I sure we'll get some help her soon! But in the meantime I'll protect you!" ilyas said. "R-really? I never got stuck on theses before!!!" Moom cried. "WHERE GOING TO GET Y'ALL DOWN FROM THERE!!!" The worker yelled. "TAKE YOUR TIME! WHERE GOING TO BE FINE!" ilyas yelled back before you start to kiss Moon deeply. "So we are stuck up here together?" Moon asked. "Yes We Are Stuck Together Suger!" ilyas said kissing moon more on her cheek. Moon calmed down after a few breaths. ilyas then saw his dad with the ladder to get them down. "Dad!" ilyas said seeing his dad. "I'm glad you both are alright and I'm surprised you both didn't panic!" Jorge said ilyas and moon got down the ladder and everyone ran and hugged them. "Well someone has a girlfriend ~" Luna teased. "Luna I Swear To God I'll Slap You! " ilyas snapped before running after Luna but Moon stopped him and gave puppy eyes to not hurt anyone. "Awe ok I won't hurt anyone Suger and I am sorry for snapping at you Luna I hope you can forgive me?" ilyas asked. "I will think bout it!" Luna said crawling off. "Luna forgive big bro! Or ur not sleeping on my stomach later!" Lobo said. "I forgive you ilyas!" Luna said hugging him tightly around his leg. "I forgive you Luna" ilyas said. Moon started to drink water as she was still a little shackin from what happened. "Miss are you alright?" Amy asked walking to her. "I-I'll be alright ma'am but thanks for being concerned!" Moon said. ilyas hugged Moon from behind her. "You are going to be alright! I'll buy you an ice cream!" ilyas said before he ran to get one. Moon was thankful that everyone had welcomed her even though she had to meet them a different way. "here's your ice cream!" ilyas said giving it to Moon. ilyas blushed a little bit since Moon was beautiful in the moonlight. "Big bro why tf are you blushing?" Lobo asked before Everyone looked at ilyas. "I.AM.NOT.BLUSHING!!!" ilyas said blushing. "Admit it you like like her!" Maya said. Both ilyas and Moon blushed deep red they both hid their faces for a while. ilyas snuggled moon kissing her head. "Moon I love you!!!" ilyas said. "I love you to!!" Moon said. "What?!" ilyas asked in shock. "Yea!" Moon said. "I didn't know how to tell you that I had a crush on you when we met!" ilyas said. Moon hugged ilyas tightly. "So wanna go on an ice cream date?" ilyas asked. "How about when I get a full tour of PitchFork Pines?" Moon asked. "I'd be happy to let one of the kids give you a tour of the preschool!" ilyas said. "We can go on dates and stuff after I know where everything is!" Moon said. "Me and my friends can help with that! I'd let you spent time at there homes!" ilyas said "But I am going to be staying with you! I don't wanna be apart from you!" ilyas said giving Moon puppy eyes. "You can join as well!" Moon said before she grabbed ilyas claw and walked back to everyone. "Where going to help moon get settled in and to know where everything is! Everyone understand?" ilyas asked. Everyone nodded.

To Be Continued...

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