Chapter 5: Moon Get's Sick!?

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After A Few Day's Ilyas Went To Go Check On Moon She Hasn't Been At School Or Anything He Was Starting To Worry A Bit So He Went To Moon's House After School. 

"Moon? Are you here?" ilyas asks as he walked in 

"hm..?" Moon sat up after hearing ilyas voice 

"Moon!" ilyas said as he went to her and hugged her as tight as he  could "Moon why havent you been in school?" 

"Because i dont feel that good.." Moon said as ilyas felt her head

"Looks like you have a fever" ilyas said in sorrow as he kept hugging Moon 

Moon started to cough a bit 

"Wait here i am going to go get you some tea!" ilyas said as he ran to the Kitchen  and grabbed some tea for Moon as he made the tea he made sure to make some soup to go with the tea "I hope this can help her feel better" 

ilyas grabs a tray and puts the soup on it and the tea as well and goes back up to Moon's room

"Hey Moon?" ilyas said as he walks in and started to shack Moon a little 

"Huh-?" Moon asked before she slowly sat up and looked at ilyas still sleepy

"I brought you some soup and some tea to help you feel better i know what is like being sick in bed" ilyas said as he puts the food down on Moon's lap

"Awe thank you" Moon said in a weak tune before she started to eat the food and drink the tea that ilyas had given her "and thank you for taking such good care of me" 

"anytime" ilyas said as he kissed Moon's head 

Moon laid back down

"Do you want me to rub ur stomach or something?" ilyas asked as he slowly blushed a little

"Yeah you can rub my stomach its been a lot sore since i gotten sick" Moon said as she blushed a bit

ilyas slowly placed his hand on Moon's stomach and started to rub it he didn't go any lower he was only rubbing above Moon's belly button he slowly heated up his hand to Moon's liking Moon was startling to feel better at least a little bit 

"Are you starting to feel better?" ilyas ask 

"Yes well a little bit its just my body is still sore" Moon said

ilyas understood 

"i understand!" ilyas said in a sympathetic tune before he hugged moon and rubbed her  back "i promise that i am going to take good care of you until you are better" 

ilyas then got a phone call from his grandmother

"Hello" ilyas ask

"ILYAS WHERE ARE YOU?!" Rosa snapped of course she was mad 

"I am with Moon i am helping her get better!" ilyas said "She isnt feeling that good and needs someone to help her" 

"wait unril ur father knows about this!" Rosa said before hanging up

"Dont worry Moon i am going to be here every step of the way no matter what happens! and i wanna make sure that you have a clean bill of health!" ilyas said as he laid by Moon 

After a few hours go by ilyas wakes up seeing moon very pale

"MOON!" ilyas yelled as he started to shack Moon worriedly he flipped Moon over onto her back and started to listen to see if he heard a heart beat or breathing 

he heard Moon's heart beat slowly

"I have to get her some help now!" ilyas said to himself before calling 9-1-1 of course he was starting to get worried as he was put on hold thats when he heard his dads voice

"Son why are you calling?" Jorge ask 

"Dad! Moons heart is slow and she is so pale!" ilyas said as he was about to cry 

Jorge got shocked at what he had heard so he grabbed his things and went to check on  moon as he wanted to help her out 

"Son where is she?" Jorge ask

"Dad we are up here in her room" ilyas said 

jorge followed his son's voice and went into Moon's room seeing what was going on as he did he saw that moon was pale and he started to check her heart and everything 

"Dad is she ok?!" ilyas ask in shock and worry

"She'll be ok she just needs to go to the Emergency Room for a few hours so they can make sure that she is going to make a full recovery" jorge said before calling an ambulance 

After a couple of hours of waiting the doctor had called ilyas back so he could see Moon he went back to her room and saw her

"*Sniff* Moon?" ilyas asked before he held Moon's hand

Moon slowly opened her eyes unaware what happened

"Moon!" ilyas said as he hugs her tight 

"What happened to me? why am i in the hosple?" Moon ask as she looked around her 

"You were so pale and your heart rate was slow" ilyas said "The doctor said its nothing that seruos you just have to stay in bed" 

". . . " Moon didnt say a word except she just sat there blushing 

"Huh?" ilyas asked as he saw moon blushing nefore she kissed his head

ilyas fainted from the kiss

"Thank you for saving me" Moon said  

"you are very welcome it's my duty" ilyas said as he sat up and before moon petted him

"*Purrs*" ilyas started purring he was very content and at ease "Mew" 

"Awe" Moon said

after a few hours ilyas and moon were togther in a house (One that is contected) 


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 12 ⏰

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