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Religion is fairly unified on Ulzodik, other than some off chutes which could be compared to Catholicism and Protestantism in Christianity here on earth (if you're on earth that is).

Zxeletien (Ulzodik for young).
(This rendition of the Yhulilum has been translated and not everything may be correct, very few humans(?) speak the language so it's very difficult to double check.

When the universe was young and the stars yet twinkling, myamr had had enough of the foolish games of the beings that surrounded her. She flew off and hid in a corner of the Galaxy where the sisters of hers would leave her be. But little did the mother know she had brought her ovums with her...tiny ovums which fell into the warm sea of the mother's sanctuary without her even knowing.
The mother was swimming in her sanctuary one day when she found a microscopic egg of hers, which had hatched...yet was microscopic.
The Mother was shocked to find the creature which she had accidentally made, and it grew and multiplied. Before The mother knew it the ocean was full of these children of hers which she cherished.

This was the first section of one of the many books in the Yhulilium.

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