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Woah we're finally at my favourite part! Thanks to everyone who's read this far <3

At the start of every new chapter there is picture at the top, take a closer look.
These are THE Ulzod. They look a bit different don't they? Heck these guys are the same genus and all, they're actually just the opposite sexes.
Now look at them again. Can you guess which is which sex? You're probably wrong. The one on the right is the female and the one on the left is the male.
And you may be wondering, "Here on earth males are usually bigger and tougher than the females." And you'd be correct for thinking that but the females are theorised to be this size to have as many eggs as possible or to have longer, sharper ovipositors and larger silk making glands.
Now Females are usually the colours displayed on screen, sometimes paler or darker but males come in many different variations such as;

-PINK & YELLOW- usually the smallest but they are extremely fast.

-WHITE- average, not to small or weak or tall or strong. This variation usually has the strongest silk.

-RED & BLACK- This variant makes a soft, brightly coloured silk which dosent trap heat like all the rest of the various kinds.

-AQUA & SANDY YELLOW- This kind will make an almost see through and tough silk which traps air whilst they're diving, also serves as a notable fishing net.

-VIOLET & INDIGO- Usually these guys are the best flyers and have very good stamina and because of their colour can be somewhat hard to tell apart from the night sky.

-PINK, RED, ORANGE & BROWN- These ones are the biggest and heaviest averaging in at 4 meters tall while the gender average is 3 meters, despite this they act much like a sea horse with the internal fertilisation, the father is then able to put a thin cocoon around the eggs before rereleasing them.



Everything basically explains itself but premature are sexless and have some fuzz on them which growers into fur if they're a male or shrinks to nothing as a female

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Everything basically explains itself but premature are sexless and have some fuzz on them which growers into fur if they're a male or shrinks to nothing as a female.
The females are a staggering 10 meters tall whilst the males are more commonly 3 meters and the larva are 50 centimetres.


Acid is more predominantly found in females, rarely in males. The Acid has a pH of 5 making it harmless but it's more of a deterrent than actually defence.
Although the acid sizzles this is just for show, although the acid may be the colour black which might be threatening as multi colour sour water coming from one's mouth isn't very approchable but it's actually just the natural colour of the Ulzod's saliva
The diagram below depicts an adult female Ulzod's acid organs;

Although the acid sizzles this is just for show, although the acid may be the colour black which might be threatening as multi colour sour water coming from one's mouth isn't very approchable but it's actually just the natural colour of the Ulzod'...

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Other than the acid the Ulzod will also put their front pair of limbs together and form a shield shape protecting their front half.
The males have spike son their front pair of limbs which face down, this isn't for no reason. The male will jump onto the attacking creature and drag them down the back of the creature.


Ulzod's are unsurprisingly omnivores but different areas mean different needs so here's a list of the possibilities.
•Omnivore (an animal that eats both plants and animals.)
•Granivore (an animal that eats seeds and grains.)
•Frugivore (an animal that eats mainly fruits.)
•Planktivore (an animal that feeds mainly on plankton.)
•Folivore (an animal that eats mainly leaves or what you'd call leaves.)


Ulzod genetics are actually quite simple, considering the mothers are basically all the same other than the placements and hues of their fur and males are all different they just look like one of their parents just with a few variations such as;
•eye shape
•eye colour
•hoof shape
•acid pH
•ovipositor size
•ovipositor shape
•ovipositor sharpness
•wing size
•wing shape.

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