-drunk days-

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Laurel was still scolding them "and how could you guys let charlie get this drunk?" Laurel said upset as the blonde was now crying and groaning over eveything hurting "i hope you realized that this night couldve ended a lot diffrently if your family wasnt your family" laurel said disappointed

"We're sorry laurel" jeremiah said guitely "just...go to bed guys, and im gonna deal with you in the morning" laurel told the very drunk girl "okay come on" jeremiah said helping charlie up the stairs in bed

Charlie woke up the next day with a cold sweat and a raging headache "good morning,good night whatever" charlie said as she had on her lifeguard unifrom on coming downstairs looking at everyone except laurel not sitting next to her for a reason

"Charlie...im not mad and i wont tell your mom just never drink like that again" laurel told the girl before they hugged "you know its great my first day on a job and im hungover" charlie said sarcastically walking over to the couch laying on it as conrad did the same to the other couch

Jeremiah than put on the blender that went on for about a minute until it stopped which conrad and charlie where VERY thankful for and handed the two a very gross looking drink which charlie did not like "come on you two hurry up i cant be late on my first day" steven said as charlie walked into the kitchen with jeremiah "those boomers are gonna tip me so hard they wont know what him them" steven said doing a weird move that charlie silently laughed to

Later in the day charlie was in the bathroom taking asprin to ease the headache before bumping into someone "oh im sorry" she said with a smile "no your fine dont worry" charlie said "so are you new here?" Charlie asked as they walked "um yea im here for the debutan ball thing...my parents are forcing me" she told her "oh im morgan" she said sticking her hand out "charlie"

The two walked together to where the room is right before belly and jeremiah walked in, all eyes where on the four of them "jeremiah,charlie" paige called out to them "paige" they both said dryly but one said with a smile "where is your shirt and why arent u covering up" paige asked the two "always a pleasure" jeremiah said shaking hands with paige before going out to charlie "dont touch me"

"This is belly uh i mean isabel concklin and..." jeremiah said to paige but not knowing the other girls name "oh morgan" morgan told paige with a smile "the young women my mom told you about...my future wife" jeremiah told paige about belly "both of them are late"

"Oh im so sorry i got lost" morgan told paige "you both are at table 2" paige told morgan and belly. Jeremiah than took a finger sandwich and got yelled at by paige before charlie and him left "so when is jacob supposed to come?" He asked "i think today but im not entirely sure" charlie said walking down the stairs with him

As soon as charlie got back to work she heard a farmiliar voice "charlie" the voice said "jacob"

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