-parties suck-

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Soon all the kids were in the living room giving belly gifts, laurel got her a book with the famous susannah poem 'for whatever we lose like a you or a me its always ourselves we find in the sea'

Susannah gave her a necklace,jeremiah gave her a good luck charm to help her pass her drivers test,steven got her a sweatshirt for princeton,charlie got her a ring and a bathing suit and conrad got her...nothing? Idk either

Right now charlie was drawing something on the island as her mom susannah came "hey sweetie" sitting down next to her "hi mom" charlie said lookint up "so i was wondering if today i could paint your portariat?" She asked her "oh sure" charlie said looking up

"Okay great! Go put on that blue dress and meet me down in 10" susannah said excitedly getting ready

About a half an hour later susannah was painting her hair "you know you have such beautiful hair" susannah told charlie as charlie smiled at the compliment "hey why dont u invite jacob to dinner tonight because after you two are going to nicoles party rignt?" Susannah asked

"Oh yea if you want" charlie told her uncomfortable "is something going on between you and jacob? I overheard steven talking about it to jeremiah" susannah said "yea everthings fine" charlie said smiling "you know you can always talk to me you know 'im not a regular mom im a cool mom" susannah said flipping her hair quoting mean girls which made charlie laugh

About a couple hours later everyone was at bellys birthday dinner...including jacob "so cam...do you mind if i call you cam cameron?" Jeremiah asked bellys boyfriend "yea feel free man" he answered "im glad your here cameron and jacob...i know both your moms denise and melissa from the club,i've heard a lot about you two" susannah told the two boys "thank you so much for having me my mom says hi" cam cameron told susannah the dinner quickly ended after that and belly and taylor decided to go to the party

Charlie has been at the party for about two and a half hours and she only saw jacob once so she asked jeremiah and conrad who where playing beer pong if they knew where he is "hey do you guys know where jacob is i havent seen him all night" charlie asked the boys "no sorry" jeremiah sorta slurred out "okay thats fine" charlie said nervously going back inside

"Hey taylor...wait are you okay?" Charlie asked as she saw her crying "i dont think me and belly are friends right now" taylor croaked out "oh my god im so sorry" charlie told the girl "it is what it is" taylor told her "well do you want to come find jacob with me?" Charlie asked "i think im done for the night" taylor said upset


"Okay thats fine" charlie told the girl as they both faked smiles she than looked in a room bit got dragged to a room by someone "where were you?" Jacob asked his gip tightening on her wrist "i was looking for you" charlie said almost terrified "dont lie to me" jacob said getting closer "please im not" charlie said choking back tears

jacob was about to swing at charlie but charlie got out of his grip before he could but unfortunately he caught up and grabbed charlie "please your drunk" charlie choked full tears coming out before but that made jacob just grab harder "please let me go" charlie cried trying to be let go

"Listen to me im a proactive person and we have a problem and today we have to fix it do you understand?" Jacob yelled before charlie kicked him in the shin before running off as charlie heard him cursing

Charlie got out of the house and about a block awwy before jacob caught up before she caught her and pinned her to a wall "no jacob jacob please" charlie cried as she didnt know what was gonna happen "jacob please stop its charlie come on your girlfriend please stop" charlie told jacob hyperventilating "what about me charlie huh?" Jacob told "wait what?" Charlie asked confused before jacobs fist swung at her about twice

"Jacob please" charlie managed to get out before jacob kneed her in the stomach making her hunch over almost falling charlie than kicked him and he fell over and charlie manadged to run to the party  charlie found an empty room and locked it "im going to count to three and if this door is fucking unlocked by the time im done" jacob yelled but not to loud to drag all the attention on them

Charlie could barely breathe nor could she see too the tears that couldnt stop leaving her face.  She didnt have her phone with her so she couldnt call the police or at least conrad or jeremiah. Charlie didnt want to open the door but she didnt know what would happen if she didnt. Charlie than got up and unlocked the door by the time he got to four, charlie tried to run out of the room but he grabbed and yanked your hair with all the force he can which made you scream in pain before he put a hand over your mouth to not cause to many people to know what was going on

Charlie felt her stomach and looked up to see blood on her hand "what is wrong with you?!" Charlie yelled which made jacob laugh even harder all of a sudden charlie felt trapped

She had no where to go

She was cornered

Charlie tried to get away as far as she could but all that was between charlie and jacob was a deak

Charlie feared her life as he walked closer. Her sobs were uncomfortable at this pointe. All he was doing was yelling at her. The music from the party was blasting.

Charlie scooted back into a corner tucked her knees as close to her as she could. Covered her ears and closed her eyes as fast as she could.

Charlie was so focused on trying to keep distance and stopping yourself from hearing the yelling and music that you didnt hear the door open or see jeremiah knock Jacob out with a book that was near

Charlie only remebers flinching when someone grabbed her, only to be hugged as tight as possible. Charlie was still sobbing but clung right onto jeremiah as she cried onto his shirt


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 28, 2023 ⏰

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