Chapter 1

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There was once a tale teller, whose soul is so unfortunate. She bears a heart of golden, a mind full of wit, a mouth of a poet, a body of a gymnast, eyes of a sharp cat, nose and ears of an elf, hair so majestic, and the most unfortunate soul. She was perfection from another's eyes but was the most broken from the perspective of those who she let to be truly known. She always seems so happy; her laughter fills the room every single time that they are with her. But only her pillows can hear her sorrowful cries. Her hands bear magic, for she writes what she feels; and she lets her readers feel her, except her sorrows and cries.

And so, she writes every negative thought, embedding them in flowering scenes and lovely words. She once drafted a novel where she killed the protagonist, Lai, her subconscious, just so the thoughts that wants to end her life would end. Satisfying the intrusive thoughts by ending a part of her. And so, she felt relief, and bearing the power to end a part of her without her vanishing from the reality, the death of her characters that were distinguished as her subconscious were gone; a character after another.

Until all the foul moments and unbearable feelings that were bottled after the death of each character exploded when a minor inconvenience shook the bottle so hard that it burst open like a bottle of soda releasing pressure. She cried and decided no one should bear this deep unfortune while alive. She convinced herself that the sharpness of words in each tale is not enough, but blades; the characters' suffrage of falling from great heights should be ended, there should be a tight rope suspending the persona; and the imagination of a life as a star should not end in an imagination but be on reality. Set and dedicated, a bottle of chloroform was chugged, lines screaming for help appeared on her wrist up to her arms, she levitated from the ground suspended by a tight rope, tears scarred her cheeks, and blood dripped from her lips. A scene to behold just as soon as you open her apartment's door.

Although just like every other tales existing, a knight in shining armor came. Jomar came in with a smile in his face, hoping to see his best friend after months of not being able to see her due to their busy schedules as collegians. But tragedy met his eyes as soon as he entered the apartment, his smile quickly fell down as the sight in front of him came tumbling down his mind and later on realizing that she attempted, again. As soon as everything that is happening quickly sinked onto his mind, he rushed to grab a chair and removed her from the tight rope suspending her from the air. He quickly lifted her up in bridal style, his pace becoming faster every second because of the mere thought of losing another important person in his life.

With tears on his eyes, his sorrows evident from the tragedy happening before his eyes. Tears pooled; he murmurs words that expresses his overwhelmed state. "Ang bangad mo naman kasi, sabi naman namin ni Gerfred sayo mag sabi ka lang sa amin if kailangan mo mag-labas ng sama ng loob. Bakit naman ganito. Gagawa naman kami ng paraan para mabawasan problema mo, kung gusto mo ng liwliwa nag-aya ka sana ng maayos hindi yung ganito." Profusely pressing the button of the elevator to descend. Getting impatient each second that passes by, with the worry of losing her because of a mere second.

Reaching the lobby of the apartment building, staffs quickly assisted him to the cab so he can bring her to the nearest hospital. After getting settled inside the cab he pleaded the driver of the taxicab, "Sir, pakibilis naman po. Crucial lang po, dodoblehin ko nalang po yung bayad." Having satisfied after the cab driver's response of a nod, he fished his phone from his pocket and called someone that he knows that will be there instantly for her and will help him, Gerfred.

"Ped, sumagot ka ng tawag ko. Sumagot ka please, kailangan tayo ni Jelo." Jomar pleaded his phone, chanting like a Santigwar, for ped to answer his call.

"Hanuuuuu yon Jomar? Bakit?" Gerfred finally answered his call, greeting his friend with an energetic tone and a chaotic background noise.

"Ped nasan ka? Ped si Jelo-" Jomar answered Gerfred with a shaky voice and slight sniffing, showing an evident sign on how nervous and scared he is of what is happening and all the things that might happen after every second that is passing by.

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