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"Together As One"

"Y/n-Sama... perhaps there is another route we can take, that one is often used by humans." Spoke the caterpillar-like lesser demon from his place on his mistress' shoulder; his body wrapped around her torso.

The two sat on the engawa of the brothel they first met at. Back then Y/n had decided to stay there for a couple of years. Throughout that time the two had spent some time getting to know one another. Or rather; she had demanded him to inform her of his history and forced him into servitude under herself.

After the first year together she had given him a name, a cruel one, but a name no doubt. The name Kiseichū, meaning parasite, is the one she chose. She believed it was fitting since, in her opinion, the lesser demon had done nothing but leech off her demonic status and hide behind her strength.

"Silence, Useless Kiseichū! I know what I'm doing! I have a human disguise!" The Demoness growls at her companion; one of her obi sashes coming up to bop him on the head.

Y/n had begun planning their route of travel to acquire a new food source as the village they had stayed in now warded off humans, much to her chagrin. The paths that she had decided to take would eventually go straight through the middle of a large village. That wouldn't be a problem, however, since Y/n had a very effective human disguise.

"Yes, you do have one. But I don't. If they see me they will know. What human willingly travels with a demon? Certainly not an oiran." Kiseichū reasons as a thick cloud of deep crimson exhaust billows from his lips, wafting into the air and continuing westward at a slow pace.

The lesser demon did have quite a point; why would an oiran be traveling with a demon of any kind? Much less a giant worm that clung to her upper body? Such a sight would give the traveling duo away immediately and the goal of peacefully passing through would go right out the window.

"Who the hell do you think you're talking to, huh!? Do you think I'm stupid!? I'll kill you!" Y/n screeched, whipping her head at the grey-green worm on her body and giving him a vicious snarl.

"Of course not Y/n-Sama, but you didn't consider that we now travel together. It's a tad irresponsible is all..." Says Kiseichū as he leans back lightly from her sudden aggression; already accustomed to her erratic and bratty behaviors from the long years he had spent with her.

"Irres- HAH!? How dare you say such a thing to me! I'm very responsible!" The demoness guffaws; placing a hand on her chest in offense at his words as her obi sashes return and absorb into her body.

"Ah... I don't mean to insult you, Y/n-Sama... I only wish for your longevity, is all." The worm mutters meekly, trying to quickly cover his bases lest she sever another one of his segments in a fit of rage.

"Hmph! At least you know your place... Here. Crawl into my back; you won't be seen that way." The white to green-haired demon demands as she exposes her back and splits it for her slimy little companion to crawl his way into.

Once Kiseichū was situated and comfortable in her back Y/n fixed her kimono and changed her appearance to that of her human disguise. The two were finally going to start their journey to the East; for him a journey of servitude, and for her a journey of conquest.

 The two were finally going to start their journey to the East; for him a journey of servitude, and for her a journey of conquest

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It was peaceful in the evening as the landscape rolled by slowly. The sun falls over the horizon as the night prepares to fall in just a few hours; casting the world in its brilliant orange glow.

Y/n walked at a leisurely pace; making her way to her destination without hurry. She let out a gentle breath and took in the nature around her surroundings.

The orange glow of the setting sun peeks through the branches and leaves of towering trees. Various forest critters scurried about through the underbrush and devouring the corpses of the demons she'd slew. Dew drops clinging to blades of grass in the aftermath of pouring rain, soaking into the cloth of her tabi socks.

Her calm and serene surroundings brought a small smile to her face; a rarity given all she's been through.

Her vibrant e/c orbs gazed down at the items resting in her hand. They were something she'd gained from quite literally ripping them from the bodies of the demons who were too busy fighting each other to notice her.

Two shards of the famed Shikon Jewel.

A wicked grin bloomed on her lips as the shards sunk into her skin. As soon as she absorbed them she felt an immense power boost. So immense that she stumbled a bit; trembling in place as she halted in her steps. Her lungs shook; she took a choppy breath as she tried to get used to the changes.

In the back of her mind, she could hear Kiseichū asking about her well-being.

"Y/n-Sama, perhaps we should find somewhere to rest so you may adjust to the additional power?" The maggot demon worriedly questioned from his place inside her body.

Y/n could feel him squirming around in her back. That and some pressure from the build-up of the lesser demon's exhaust that leaked from his mouth when he spoke. To relieve her discomfort, she opened a small hole in her back and released the thick gas.

"You're worry is unnecessary. There is a small shrine just up ahead, according to the words of those two pests from earlier. We shall rest there and then in the morning we shall reach the village." The h/c-ette hums quietly, begging to leisurely walk on her way, unbothered.


[「A/N」Next chapter; Prologue 3/3!]

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