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"Lady Ume! I bid you a lovely day!"

"Good morning, Lady Ume! I hope your rest was pleasant!"

"You're looking as radiant as ever today, Lady Ume!"

"Mama look! It's Miss Lady Ume! She's so pretty; Will I be pretty like her when I grow up?"

"Lady Ume! Please take these flowers! I picked them this morning; they're the best in the garden!"

The voices of the villagers blend into white noise as Y/n walks by; her gaze focused solely on her large estate in the distance. Her human disguise tricked them all into thinking that she was simply a beautiful woman of high standing. They praised her as if she were some sort of angel, and to them, she was.

When she and Kiseichū had first come upon the village of Kozue she had Kiseichū explain everything he knew about the village while he was still inside her back. She let the pressure of the contained poison smog he released when he spoke to build up an almost unbearable pressure before she turned to have her back facing the village and released it all towards the human settlement.

After a few days, when Y/n finally entered the village, she did it in a rushed and panicked manner. Frantically asking around if a large cloud of crimson mist had passed by. She offered the people an antidote, of which she had made from Kiseichū's flesh just a day earlier, to the village folk.

Y/n claimed that she was a traveling oiran, going by the name of Ume, who had run into a cluster of maggot demons, and that they had released a large cloud of poisonous smog into the air. She said that she had been following it to offer an antidote to the people who had been affected.

After a few days of curing those whom she had ailed herself, the villagers gave her a high standing. After a year of her stay at the village and curing ailments that she continued to have a hand in causing and showing her knowledge in various subjects, they made her the village leader.

 After a year of her stay at the village and curing ailments that she continued to have a hand in causing and showing her knowledge in various subjects, they made her the village leader

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The demoness sat at her chabudai¹, she found the tatami cushion uncomfortable but did not bother to complain. Kiseichū and she had fused their bodies on accident due to how long the lesser demon had resided inside her back. But now he could communicate with her mentally, no longer making smog and potentially bringing suspicion towards her.

Y/n was getting slowly annoyed with these humans, she couldn't slowly kill them off, because they would quickly notice. She couldn't have Kiseichū poison them because she had an antidote for that and if she didn't use it they would be suspicious.

She was starving. She hadn't eaten in six months because the bodies of the humans that died from the poison smog upon her entering the village had long run out.

They were also annoyingly insistent on living, like the weevils² squirming around in the bread that the village baker had given her just a day prior. Truly an insult to a being of her standing and beauty; she should find him and skin him for this offense.

Her hand that grabbed the edge of the chabudai tightened fiercely, her slender, clawed fingers making indentations in the dried and stiffened bamboo.

"Y/n-Sama, please calm yourself. Perhaps we could converge with lesser demons and have them attack the village. Then you could quickly snatch up any straying humans that flee." The caterpillar-like demon suggests to his mistress through his thoughts.

Y/n's eyes widen, why hadn't she thought of that before? But wait! Converge with lesser demons! Her? Absolutely not, she couldn't allow such disgustingly weak creatures to gaze upon her beautiful form! The demoness' pupils contract into slits at the thought.

"Useless Kiseichū! I wouldn't dare speak to such insects! Let alone be near them! Fool! Foolish Fool!" She growled at the lesser demon inside her, willing her flesh to constrict and squeeze him tightly.

"M-my Lady! Ugh! Wouldn't it be better to have more servants than just myself? If you speak with them surely they will realize your majesty and preeminence and look to you for leadership!" The maggot demon squirms about in discomfort as he resorts to flattery in an attempt to reason with the hard-headed demoness.

Y/n perks up at his words,

"Eh? Serve me? Hah! Of course, they would serve me! They would be honored to serve such a beautiful being, just like you are!" She boasted with a gorgeous smirk on her face.

"Eh? Serve me? Hah! Of course, they would serve me! They would be honored to serve such a beautiful being, just like you are!" She boasted with a gorgeous smirk on her face

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In a mountain cave, many wolf demons huddle together as their backs are up against the cave walls. Their leader Kōga, was too fearful to fight back against the being that stood before them. He only trembled in place as his fear consumed him.

"So these feeble creatures will be my new servants, Kiseichū? Hmph. They stink of dirt and sweat, clearly they haven't bathed before." The imposing and haughty voice of a woman pierces through the darkness of the cave and quiets the whimpers of the huddled wolf demons.

From the shadows emerged a beautiful woman, a demon, from what Kōga could tell from the scent she gave off. He was so entranced by her beauty that he momentarily forgot his fear and began to subconsciously approach her.

Before he can take one step forward, however, he is quickly restrained by what seems to be obi sashes. But the wolf demon could feel them pulsating and twitching like flesh would.

"You mutts will go to the nearby village of Kozue in two days and attack. Do not kill the humans, only injure them. There is a butchery and a bakery that you will steal the goods from. You will do this every few months. Do you understand?" The woman spoke coldly to him, bringing his constricted form closer to her and slowly tightening her obi sashes with every word.

Kōga was stunned to silence for a moment before he timidly answered, "Y-yes, my lady."


¹; A Chabudai is a small kneeling tea table.

「A/N」Next Chapter; 0: The Spider!

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