𝟏. 𝐄𝐬𝐜𝐚𝐩𝐢𝐬𝐦 | Prologue

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A new beginning.


Escapism, the act of seeking distraction or relief from the pressures and difficulties of real life by engaging in imaginative and often fictional worlds or activities.

Pounding echoed in his ears(?), the rhythm matching the frantic beating of his soul. He swiftly turned around, his eyes searching for such noise, and there it was—a door, beckoning him from the darkness. With trembling steps, he cautiously crossed the shadowy expanse, his every movement aching through his skeletal body.

As he drew nearer to the door, the feeble light it emitted seemed to mock the surrounding darkness. With a mix of desperation and hope, he reached out, his boney hand trembling as it brushed against the door's surface. The cold metal handle felt like it was stinging his hand.

But just as he mustered the strength to twist the handle, sinister snapping sounds shattered the stillness. The noises seemed to circle him, closing in, and panic gripped his chest. His realization—the door refused to yield to his desperate attempts.

In his frantic attempts to escape the encroaching darkness, he suddenly stumbled and lost his footing. Without warning, he plummeted into a deep pit, swallowed by its unforgiving embrace. The darkness engulfed him.


His soul pounded in his ribcage as he woke up with a start, the remnants of the nightmare still haunting him. Beads of sweat trickled down his skull. His surroundings slowly came into focus as he realized he was safe and still in his small cottage—it had all been a horrifying dream.

Struggling to calm his racing pulse, he reached up and gently rubbed his skull, almost as if trying to erase the disturbing images from his mind. The nightmare's grip on his consciousness slowly loosened, but he couldn't shake off the feeling of unease that lingered.

Turning his attention to the curtained window, he noticed the soft glow of early morning light seeping through the fabric. The world outside was slowly awakening, and the peaceful sight provided some comfort after the terror he had just endured.

The village came alive with the delightful symphony of children's laughter, their innocent joy filling the air as they ran gleefully, sweet treats clutched in their hands. Majestic horses strolled gracefully through the bustling scene, adding to the lively charm of the place. And at the heart of this vibrant plaza, just outside his window, stood a magnificent, large fountain.

He had sketched it countless times before, but the urge to capture its beauty overwhelmed him once more. With a determined spirit, he finally arose out of bed, approached his wardrobe, and pulled out a pair of wavy-wide pants. Their unique style adding to his artistic flair. Alongside the pants, he selected a beige-colored dress shirt and a vest that complemented the ensemble perfectly.

With purposeful steps, he strode over to his messy desk, the remnants of paint stains telling stories of years of creativity. Among the clutter, he spotted a satchel, perfect for carrying his beloved sketchbook and pencils. Slipping it onto his shoulder, he felt the familiar weight, a comforting reminder of his artistic endeavors, as he made his way toward the door. Slipping on his boots which were nearby.

Encre was not one to confine himself to his painted-all-over cottage. The world beyond beckoned to him, and his adventurous spirit yearned to explore its wonders. However, the persistent rumors of witches and vampires haunting the area had forced him to become more cautious as well as anxious, keeping him inside more often than he'd prefer.


Emerging from his small, cozy cottage, he stepped into the vibrant world outside, drawn towards the bustling sounds of fellow monsters going about their day. Some carried bags filled with their belongings, while others advertised their shops and wares, creating a lively atmosphere that Encre cherished.

After a short stroll, he found himself standing before the magnificent fountain he had so often depicted in his sketches. At its center stood a woman striking a graceful pose, draped in elegant rags that cascaded around her form. Captivated by her presence, he took out his sketchbook, ready to immortalize the scene on paper.

As his pencil began to dance across the page, sketching the woman and the fountain's intricate details, he was unexpectedly jostled from his side. A random streak marred his otherwise flawless sketch, and he turned to see Azure—a small skeleton whom he had known for years.

"Ah! Bonjour, Azure! You spooked me," Encre greeted his long-time friend, his voice carrying a soft French accent that added warmth to his words.

        "Encre! I was wondering when you were going to get out of your cottage! Sorry-- Did I mess something up in your sketch?" Azure said, guilt evident in his voice.

Encre froze for a moment, his eyes darting down to the sketchbook he held protectively against his chest. "Nonono! Don't worry! What're you doing out?" he replied, trying to brush off Azure's concern with a reassuring smile.

"Oh! Alright! Well.. I was gonna go see Rufuos! I heard he might have a little time to speak to me," Azure quietly muttered the last bit, glancing back up at Encre. Encre, with an amused expression, seemed to raise a nonexisting brow and teasingly remarked, "So you're still interested in him?" Azure blushed a light blue in response, flustered by the playful remark. "No! I am just interested in becoming friends with him," Azure quickly clarified, his embarrassment evident in his voice.

Azure had used that excuse for far too long, and Encre had already caught on that the small knight was interested in the tall blacksmith. He quietly chuckled, "Well... Go get him, my friend... I will most likely continue until night," Encre softly said, earning a nod from Azure. Azure then spoke once more, "Be careful. I heard it is the season vampires get hungry..."

Encre rolled his pinpricks at the other, shaking his head. Not like he was nervous or anything. No, he was terrified. But playing this playful part for his friends seemed better. "Do not tell me you believe such things." Once he said that, Azure had already gone.

With a sigh, Encre continued his sketching, letting the rhythmic strokes of his pencil guide him as he poured his emotions onto the paper. The world around him faded into the background as he immersed himself in the art.

End Chapter.
1035 words.

Nice to meet you!


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