The Right for Redemption

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A week had passed since Gwynne discovered his kingdom's horrific state. Since the day he found out John had betrayed him, the prince had worked for countless hours researching solutions and addressing pertinent matters. John took great care to avoid him and give him space, which was a wise decision because Gwynne desperately needed to focus on his work. Multitasking and the lack of sleep were beginning to weigh on him heavily. Like a ticking time bomb, everything would blow up in his face at this rate. John knew he had to do something to help.

He had finally built up the courage to face the prince and shuffled into Gwynne's office, trying to seem as small as possible. The prince's eyes had raccoon-esque dark circles and his hair was disheveled. This was a shock to him because Gwynne had always taken great care of his appearance and tended to land on the slightly vain side.

He had been so wrapped up in his work that John's presence had gone completely unnoticed. A light "ahem" jerked Gwynne from his work and he looked up squinting, due to the light from the hall shining through the open door and hurting his sore eyes. 

"What do you need John?" Gwynne asked distantly, looking back down at his work once again. 

John shuffled in closer to his desk and suggested, " Gwyn- I mean your highness, I noticed the toll all this work is taking on you and it's been worrying me." 

Gwynne looked up annoyed, "I'm doing quite fine on my own, but thanks." 

The deep crease between his brow said otherwise. 

"Please let me help, even if it's just mundane simple tasks I promise I will not let you down again," John begged placing his hands to gather in a loose prayer-like position, "It will also allow you to spend more time researching solutions in regards to the rioting and revolutionaries," he mused. 

The prince sat and considered it for a moment. It had been difficult juggling everything without an advisor or queen to assist. But he just couldn't trust John to take on any important tasks anymore. So he pondered on what he could and couldn't entrust to him. 

After a few minutes of John shuffling uncomfortably Gwynne decided, "Ok, John here's the deal," he leaned onto the black pedestal desk, "I will give you the simplest tasks I can find and review your work personally to ensure there aren't any more problems," he continued suspiciously, "You are still not my advisor and I still have very little trust in you but, I need the extra help and despite everything you've done, you are the only other person I know to be competent enough." 

John stood straighter, practically glowing, "Thank you! You will not regret this decision, Gwynne," he stopped and eyes widened, "I...I mean your-" 

Gwynne held his hand up, "It's fine." 

With his chest pridefully puffed out, John marched out of the office holding stacks of papers and headed straight to work. Gwynne followed not long after headed to the castle library in search of past methods used to solve this sort of crisis.

Valeigha - I've kept my promise and so far we've successfully posted four days in a row! ima continue to write and pump out content for you. Lemme know if you have any suggestions for the story because I love constructive criticism and talking about writing. I know the general plot for how the story is going to go but I'm open to ideas! xoxo have a great day.   :3

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