Sorority Girl

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Dalton enters the party of a Sorority that's walking distance from their campus dorm with Chris. "Alright, Dolphin let's get a drink from the kitchen," Chris said dragging Dalton behind her. Skipping the keg with the frat boy that's being held upside-down above it by his frat brothers. They went straight for the punch.

Each holding a red solo cup they stood in the other doorway that goes into the living room of the sorority house holding a bunch of drunk dancing college students. "Should we go look through their stuff upstairs like at the frat?" Dalton jokes well leaning towards Chris talking loud enough that she can hear him. "And get haunted but a dead sorority girl no thanks." she jokes back to him making him laugh. "Plus you got a cute girl eyeing you up on the dance floor" She nodded her head in the direction of the girl making Dalton turn his head.

Sure enough, when he looked he made eye contact with a girl with long black curly hair. His breath caught in his throat when his blue eyes met her honey like eyes. "Well, you seem interested. Go talk to her" "and say what" he said looking at Chris. "I don't know 'Hi my name is Dalton' Maybe start off with that" She gave him a be for real look. Looking back at the girl she nodded for him to go dance with her. He couldn't lie the girl definitely made his heart speed up a bit.

"Look she just invited you to go dance! Go! She's hot!" "I don't dance" "You'll be fine! Gooo! Before some asshat of a guy does!" taking a gulp of his drink first. He started walking towards the girl. "Wait, Dalton!" Chris said stopping him before he could get too far. "Make sure you wear a condom" Chris laughed while making eyebrows at him. Dalton's face turns a light shade of pink and shakes his head at her. He couldn't decide on what was worse the fact that Chris said that or the fact he did indeed have one in his wallet. Better to have it and not need it than to need it and not have it.

Turning back to the girl that's now holding her hand out for him to take. He grabs it and lets her lead him more into the crowd of dancing people. Both with a drink in hand and with her back to his chest they being to grind and dance on each other to the beat of the music. Dalton's free hand is on the belt loop of her jeans pulling her back into himself as they move together. While her hand is right above Daltons and sometimes in his hair or at his neck behind her. "I'm Dalton. What's your name?! " he yelled over the music as he leaned down so she can hear him better.

"Lilith" she yelled back turning the face him and putting her hand that didn't occupy the cup of alcohol on his shoulder. Dalton feeling his liquid courage did the same but his hand went to her waist pulling her against him. "Can I just say that you are beautiful?" he said leaning down to her ear. "Thanks! You're pretty cute yourself" he watched Lilith lick her lips after saying that. Just barely wetting them making her plumped lips even more tempting to Dalton. He couldn't help himself he had to kiss her.

Moving his hand from her waist to her face just under her chin he lifts it for a better angle. "I'm gonna kiss you now." his eyes switched back and forth between her eyes and lips. She made no move to stop him. Dalton's focus stayed on her lips and he slowly leaned in closing his eyes and making her close hers. When his lips met Lilith's he got this feeling. Like if something clicked in place and Lilith felt it too. After kissing for a minute Dalton pulled back lightly biting her bottom lip and letting it snap back. Lilith's eyes fluttered open her heart pounding in her chest. She was sure if the loud music wasn't playing right now that Dalton would be able to hear it.

"So what are you majoring in!" Dalton tried asking Lilith. Tucking some hair behind her ear she slightly turns her head and leans in "What!? I'm sorry I can barely hear you" Dalton not being able to hear her that much either "Wanna go outside in the front and talk!?" he tried asking but she was just shaking her head with a confused face. So deciding screw it she grabbed his hand and started leading Dalton away from the crowd and to the stairs.

Dalton LambertDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora