Sorority Girl 3

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Lilith kicked victor out that night after taking the spare key and before telling her sorority sisters hes not allowed in anymore. If any of the other girls wanted to ride that ride and let him back in she couldn't care less. The only thing she would feel is bad for the girl. Her nightstand dresser that sits besides her bed would know. Plus its not like one of her sorority sisters didn't already. Thats why they're in the position they where in right now. Broken up.

Its been 5 days since the party and she hasn't spoken to or seen Dalton. She thought about him a lot throughout the days but she was to busy to go on a man hunt for a man she's not even sure wants to be found. She often thought that the boy probably wanted nothing to do with her thinking she was a no good cheater. She couldn't blame him because if it was her she would probably avoid him too.

She knew she was gonna have a late night tonight so she went to the campus coffee shop after her last class of the day. Walking in she noticed Dalton at the back corner of the shop sitting with the girl he went to the party with. Lilith didnt think he would want to speak with her so she acted like she didn't see him and got in line to order.

Being next up she stepped up to order. "Well if it isn't beauty! The usual?" Mike asked. He was tall and handsome with light facial hair. "Yes please Mike" He nodded at Lilith and she noticed his new earrings. "Okay I see you Mike! You look good." they laughed "Good enough for you to be my girl" He bit his lip raising his eyebrows in his playful flirting manner while moving around behind the counter making her drink. Both of them laughing Lilith shaking her head said "You couldn't handle me baby"

"Some day beauty I will" "Ill keep that in mind Mike" She winked at him making him smile. "Soooo speaking of beauty I heard about the beast at your house party the other day." Letting out another laugh at what Mike referred to Victor as. "Yeah that night was eventful" "The guys a douche bag thats why I spit in his drink. Anyway here's your drink beauty.. On the house" he whispered to her. "Spit free?" she pointed at him. "I'd never princess" Mike put his hand over his heart.

Leaving the shop chuckling she noticed Dalton was staring at them but looked away trying not to get caught. 'fail' she thought since she seen him. But what Lilith did fail to notice was the glare he was giving the guy behind the counter for flirting with you. Dalton didnt know why it irritated him that another guy was flirting with you making you laugh. But it did.

"Wait here Chris" "Yea Yea you been staring at her for the last 5 minutes. I already know." Chris just waved her hand at the boy not looking up from her notes. She was glad he was gonna go talk to the girl tired of her being the main topic of nearly every conversation for the past few days since the party.

"Lilith! Hey hold up!" She turned around "Hey Dalton what happened?" she smiled at him. "Hey I just been thinking about what you said that night" "What?" "That he wasnt your boyfriend. I didn't give you a chance to explain and I'm sorry" he apologized to her. "Don't worry about it Dalton. I'm sorry too I probably should have given you a heads up but I didn't think he'd come to the party and act dumb but I should have knew better." she shrugged.

"Would you wanna maybe hangout sometime" Dalton rubbed the back of his neck nervous. "I'd love too Dalton. Here. Let me give you my number." She said as she spotted a sharpie in his front pocket. Stepping up to him nearly being chest to chest she reached in his pocket grabbing the marker to write her number on the palm of his hand. After she blew on his palm to 'Dry' it while looking him in the eyes.

Daltons head was spinning because of this girl. She smiled at him placing the marker back in his front pocket. Lilith took a step back about to walk away when he grabbed her by the front belt loop pulling her in with one hand and the other going to the side of her face bringing her in for a kiss making her stomach erupt with butterfly's. Dalton broke the kiss looking her in the eyes. "Ill call you to night" He pretty much promised. Lilith nodded breathless.

Dalton left back to Chris so he can finish studying and Lilith left walking back to her sorority house with the kiss replaying in her head. 'Wow' she thought. She was also thinking about how breathless Dalton made her by one kiss and how victor didn't. Even when they were screwing.

Sitting at her desk as she worked on her English homework. Her phone rang. "Hello?" she asked the unknown number "You sound tired baby" Rolling her eyes at the petname she smiled. "Wow someone's getting bolder and bolder after every time we talk. I must be rubbing off on you" she joked at Dalton. "Who knows maybe you are Tell me what you have been up to baby. Did you miss me? Cause if I'm being honest I missed you" She smiled at what Dalton confessed and admitted that she thought about the boy a lot. They talked on the phone all night learning more and more about one another until they fell asleep still on the call.


(I was kind of picturing Mike as young Chris brown.... Picture who you want tho its your brain!) -BunnyB<3

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