Chapter 6

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Word count:2254

The next day was silent. Excruciatingly so. Fyodor stood by the cell's door, as far away from the creature as he physically could be within the cramped space, while the sinner ate and drank over in its corner without so much as a glance over at the man observing it in disdain. It'd been about a week and a half since the incident, and they'd not said a word to each other, neither dared to break the silence, either in fear of what the other might do or in fear of what they might do themselves. The bread was dry once again, though not stale as it had been just the day before, so it was a pleasant enough meal for the day, the sinner had surmised in its head, having taken to speaking within its mind rather than aloud to fill the boredom. It was nothing new really, it was how it usually passed time while Fyodor wasn't there to entertain its mind, although it would've preferred not to have to do so. It tended to make its mind drift somewhat when it did that, it could feel its grip on reality begin to fade just a smidge more with every time it retreated into the depths of its mind. Its time with Fyodor usually brought it back to its senses a little. Fyodor was an interesting person, more interesting than the rats that sometimes scurried through its cell at the very least. It was sure that had they met outside of this cell, if there had been no obligation for them to be in each other's presence, had it not been born a sinner, they'd likely have become some strange variation of friends at the very least. It wasn't quite sure what to call their relationship now however. Before, it would likely have considered them tentative friends, but now it wasn't quite sure where they stood.

The sinner finished with its bread and drained the last of its water, prompting Fyodor to go over to restrain it and take the tankard away. The sinner kept its eyes on the ground as the man restrained it once again, it didn't want to see the man's eyes. Eyes that were usually hypnotisingly blank yet strangely beautiful that more than likely currently held disgust within them, had it dared to look into them. It would rather not see such a sight, it would prefer to keep its image of them pure than to taint it with its own wrongdoings.

It knew that it'd made a mistake, that it never should've spoken as it had, and it never would again if it could help it. It'd underestimated Fyodor's devotion to his Lord, it knew he was rather fiercely religious, of course, but it'd assumed it didn't run as deeply as it did in the other people that lived in the village above their heads. Fyodor spoke with it. He gave it special treats and something to look forward to every day. Surely his Lord would be against such things? It had assumed then that Fyodor simply wasn't as strongly devoted to his religion as others. It must have been mistaken.

Though, the man had almost seemed like a different person that day, filled with more rage and righteousness than it had believed Fyodor's body could hold, it couldn't help but wonder if there was something more behind it.

It'd mentioned to Fyodor before that it didn't have a very strong belief in God once or twice, and the man had simply shrugged it off, telling it that one day the Lord would set it on the right path and not to worry. He'd never snapped as he did before. It was out of character. Unnatural. Its curiosity burned within it, desperately wanting to search for answers, to ask the man about it, but it simply shoved it back down into the depths of its mind. It couldn't afford to do such a thing right now. All it could do was hope that Fyodor would forgive it with time. It would be.. unsatisfactory if it never got to speak to the man again before its impending death came.

Fyodor fastened the restraints with a look of disinterest on his face, he didn't care if the sinner was refusing to look at him. Why would he after all it had said? He kept repeating it to himself like a mantra despite the nagging of a small voice in the back of his mind clamouring for him to attempt to reconcile. Why should he have to be the one to attempt to fix this if it were the sinner who spoke out of turn? He shook his head to clear the thoughts from his mind, leaving the basement to return the tankard before heading towards his home to change into his uniform.

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