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!Please read before continuing!

first bsd fic <3

•I just wanted to preface this by saying that I mean absolutely no offence to any religions within this fic, it is not supposed to reflect what religions are actually like, moreso religious extremism and cults that use religion as a tool.

•An unrelated note that there probably is some mischaracterisation within this fic and I'd be welcome to anyone pointing this out where they see it as long as it's given constructively. The same goes with criticisms with the writing and such.

•This fic was originally posted on ao3 ( so it can also be read over there (the tags are a lot easier to read through over there lol), I wasn't sure whether or not I'd upload this to wattpad since I'm not sure whether or not it's within the guidelines but oh hell we're doing it anyways 🤩

•I am also very sorry for the paragraph lengths lmao this was written on a laptop so the formatting is a little different- It shouldn't look strange on most other devices but the paragraphs do look like giant text blocks on a phone 😭

•Btw please read the tags I've added to this fic (you're best checking the ao3 version since there's a limit to the tags on here so not everything's covered) before reading if you've got any sensitivities to certain topics, if you end up reading the fic without reading the tags first and have issues with it that's unfortunately on you.

•Also in terms of ages Fyodor will be 19 and Dazai 18 with a few months between them x

Hope you enjoy <3

Why must sin taste so bitterly sweet (fyozai)Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα