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I think we all traumatised a bit from that night.
Tracy's behave won't leave my head.
Everything about that night won't leave my head.

Cynthia heard everything that happened and came to try fix that. Even though it's so bad I don't think she can. I was planning on going surf with Luke and I got ready,

Tracy and Evie was in the kitchen, sticking frozen spoons to their eyes. I heard Cynthia talking with my mom about them calling Evie's mom.
Well, good luck with that. If it was so easy they would be doing it much earlier.

"Mason, could you come in here for a second?" Cynthia called me to the kitchen. I was in my surfing suit and I entered the house. I was in the yard, talking to Luke mean while he's getting ready too. I'm about to kick his ass today.

"This family needs some healing." Cynthia said.
Yeah, tell me about it. You're not the one who's living in this mad house.

"Who bought you that wet suit?" Tracy had to say, not that I give a fuck but it's kind of pathetic how she's trying to talk to me.

"Fuck you." I mumbled. We didn't really spoke to each other since she decided to jump on me with a broomstick like some crazy fucking witch.

I felt Evie's eyes on me and I didn't know what to do. We didn't spoke too since then. And I'm the only one who knows about Brooke's boyfriend.

"Evie, your mother's phone has been disconnected." My mom said and Evie looked stressed. She still held the spoons and said,
"Mel, she's not my mom. She's my cousin."

"My mom was a crack whore." She said as we looked at her shocked. like, what the fuck did she just said? I looked at my mom with curiosity

"Okay. Everybody just take a deep breath." Cynthia started again with this bullshit.
I love Cynthia. I really do. But what this family need is not 'healing' or 'take a deep breath.'
What this family need is a therapist.

A pretty good one, I guess.

"Evie, honey, do you have a friend that you could go and stay with for a few days?" She asked and took the spoons she was holding.

At that moment, I was scared for Cynthia. Evie can be crazy when it comes to people trying to tell her what she need.

Evie looked like she can punch her in the face right now. Luke got in from outside, just on time.
"I think this family needs some alone time."
Cynthia suggest and waved at Luke.

"Cynthia, I'm the one that's here every day trying to make the situation better. Ask Mel." Evie looked at my mom, hoping to protection.

"Yeah. Getting high every day." Luke said quietly.
"Shut the fuck up." I whispered angrily.
My mom got up from the table looking at the floor. She couldn't answer Evie.

"Look, mom, there's a huge swell. I-I gotta get poundin." I said and we went towards the door.
"That's okay, baby. Just go." She said and smiled.
We left the house and I don't know what the fuck happened after I left, but I guess it was bad.

I saw Cynthia leaving about 3 minutes after we did. I wonder what happened. What's important is me and Luke got a good day to surf.

I came back home with Luke, we showered and ordered a pizza. I worked for that money.
"Oh, so you had money for pizza, but not to pay the bill?" Tracy came and I lost my appetite.

"Shut the fuck up. I work for that. You're not."
She gave me the finger and just gone.
"Damn, she is going through something." Luke said with a sight. I looked at him, wish he could know how I feel about this whole thing.

"I don't recognize her man. Can you believe I don't know my sister anymore?" I asked him, looking almost miserable.

"It cannot be true this is Tracy. Our Tracy." He said and took a bite. I looked at her going from her bedroom to the bathroom, that night, I wanted to choke her. And we fight so much lately.
But every time I'm looking at her, something in me breaks.

I guess I need to confess to myself what I'm afraid to believe in. Trace changed like that not by herself. It's Evie who did that.
She is the reason for all of that.

I saw it on her face while Tracy and my mom fight. She had this weird reaction, like she was proud or something.


Me and Luke went outside for a walk in the neighbourhood. We saw some friends, and people we love.

"Yo, mason. We missed you man, when are you coming to sit with us?" I saw Gavin on the street. A very good friend of the family. We know him for years now.

"Yeah dude, I need to come." I said and he pat on my back. He talked to Luke a few seconds, we really missed him. His mom living a few blocks from here, and he have a place with some friends.

Me and his sister Jess, basically grew up together. But, we don't really talk anymore.
I was crazy about her. And sometimes I think I still am, but it doesn't matter anymore.

"What's up with Trace? I don't see her a lot. Just with this brunette girl." He said with curiosity.
"Yeah, that's Evie. She's living with us now."

"I see Mel still got the biggest heart." He said with a big smile. Luke nodded and smiled,

"Uh, what's up with Jess? I mean, I sees her in school but we don't really talk." I asked and Luke looked at me. He knows the whole story.

"She's good, yeah pretty good. She's seeing someone I think, Eric or something. But I don't know much about it." He said not sure.

I know he would never say that on purpose to hurt me or something. I'm over it.

"Well man, come to say hello. My mom missed you." I told him with a hug.

"Damn, I didn't heard Jess's name for years." Luke said surprised I even asked about her.
"Are you still thinking about her?" He asked.


BROKEN FOREVER - Mason FreelandWhere stories live. Discover now