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"Mason? Can you explain please why did you missed half of the last week?" I ran into my principal. I could deal with everything about her, not his voice. It was so hard to hear that thing in the morning, I couldn't stand it.

"I was sick." I almost fell asleep in front of her.
Luke stayed over last night, we were drinking a bit. I swear i heard what my mom asked, and it doesn't really matter what happened last night, the important thing is that me, Evie, and Tracy in school. I'm so ashamed of myself,

I sweared that I'm going to make her happy. No matter how. That she don't need a husband that will treat her like a queen because I'll do it. All I'm doing is saying I care and ruining everything.

"Why is Melanie didn't say anything? Why do I need to found out you were sick just now? And what about Tracy?" She was upset.
"I'm sorry i missed some days, don't get my mom into it. She's pushing us to go all the time. Next time we'll let you know." She sighed again.

"Mason, you're a good kid. Don't go the wrong way." She tapped my shoulder and walked away.
It's nice to hear she thinks I'm a good kid.
My main problems is the attendance, and my boredom. When I'm getting bored me and Rafa doing a great job with driving the teachers crazy.

"Man! i missed you!" I saw Rafa from the end of the hall and he jumped on me with a smile.
He hugged me tight and i let out a laugh, I did missed him too. I didn't saw him for a long time.

I've talked to the other guys and promised this week we're doing something, I've missed my friends. To laugh with them and skate, i wanna focus on Tracy right now more then anything, but I wanna have some fun either. It's a rough time to my family but I can't just stop my life. At least I'll try not to stop it.

I walked the halls with Rafa on our way to art, subject for fags if you ask me, but I have nothing to do with it. I saw some people on my way, but not Jess. I guess I was expecting to see her.

I didn't even know if her boyfriend is going here too, if he's our age or older, if he's from the neighborhood or not, got money or not,
I just knew his name is Eric, and I don't want to ask anything, I don't need them celebrate on that.

"Fuck you, shit head." I heard Tracy's voice filling the hall space. Right after came a strong laugh.
"What the fuck." I whispered and went the other way of the hallway to see where she was.

I saw her with Evie and a few more kids from their grade, one of the boys was holding her and probably just tickled her, I was so embarrassed.
"Tracy." I called her and got closer, she's gonna act cool without paying attention to me, but i
don't give a fuck. She need to be in class.

"What do you want, Mason? Go away." She kept laughing with them, Evie just stood there with a smile, pushing Tracy to this kid hands again.
"Your brother is Mason? Damn." One of them gasped and came to give me a high five, i didn't want to be rude so I shook his hand but my eyes were still on Tracy. And this kid that held her.

"Hey dude." Rafa said to him as well and looked at me, Rafa maybe love this shit behavior too but he knows how to react when it's come to Tracy.

"Tracy! Why aren't you in class." I got a flashback from that night in the park, when I called her like a fool and she didn't even looked at me.
"Leave me alone, what are you Mom?" Evie chuckled, like this woman she's talking about didn't got her in her house and took care of her.

"Don't talk about mom, get to class." I ordered. She looked at me with hate, but I've got used to it.  "I don't want to, now go away." She said quietly and seconds after Javi came. I just forgot about him and then he pops out again.

"Hey." He mumbled and kissed Tracy's cheek.
Rafa was afraid of my reaction, this Javi is getting on my nerves. Coming here, kissing her, he better go back to whatever he were.

BROKEN FOREVER - Mason FreelandWhere stories live. Discover now