lightbulb x paintbrush

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idk what to put for this but my friend said I should do this
this is humanized!!!

Lightbulb's POV:
Me and Painty are gonna have a movie night tonight! I'm real excited. I love hanging out with them. They aren't the kind of person to go over to other peoples homes. They usually just stay to themselves. But! Tonight is different! They're coming over to my house. I keep constantly checking the time. They were supposed to come over at 6:30. It is 6:45!!

Paintbrush's POV:
I feel really bad for being late to Lightbulb's movie night. I'm trying, but I have to walk all the way to her house. I promised that I would be there about like 6:30. But, I'm not. I can't even run, I'm that tired. But, I finally see her house in the distance. This time, I finally force myself to a jog, then I knock on her door. She immediately opens it, one hand on her hip. She seems pissed. "Where. Were you?!! I missed you. I started to get lonely."
"I had to walk all the way here from Hotel OJ to here. Sorry, Lightbulb."
She shakes her head and smiles at me. "Just come on in!"

I walk into her house. I haven't been here in a while. It seems cleaner than before, surprisingly.
She immediately goes to the pantry to get popcorn as I take my shoes off at the door.
"You can sit on the couch, or maybe even pick out the movie we'll watch while you're waiting!!" She seems really excited.

Lightbulb's POV:
I watch Painty as they choose the movie. They go to the horror movie section. I really hope I don't have to watch a horror movie! I hate them... a lot of them aren't even scary, but still!!
When the popcorn finishes, I take it out of the microwave. I walk over to Painty, and sit beside them.
"Soo... what movie will we be watchin?"
"Ah, I don't really know yet."
"I saw you going into the horror movie section. Are you tryna give me a heart attack?"
They laugh at me and roll their eyes. "I just wanted to find a non scary horror movie for you."
Wow. I don't even find them scary.
"I don't find any horror movies scary."
"Oh, alrighty then! I'll be turning one on-"
I stop them in their tracks. "No! I mean, uh.."
"So you are scared."
I look over to the side, rolling my eyes. They laugh at me again. I nudge them.
"Fine! Let's watch a horror movie! I'll prove to you I'm not scared."

Paintbrush's POV:
I turn on some random horror movie, and Lightbulb was already clinging on to me. She looked scared.
We got to the more scary parts, and each time there was a jump-scare, she hugged me, as I still don't get scared. I finally get tired of her antics, and lay her head on my lap, as I run my hands through her hair.

Lightbulb's POV:
Painty's hands are running through my hair. And their hands feel so smooth when I take their hand off my head.
"I am not scared." My voice is shaking. I hope it's not that obvious that I'm scared. Very scared.
They put their hand in my hair again. I do feel a little better now.
The last thing I remember were my eyes getting heavy, as I fall asleep, with my head resting on Painty's lap.

585 words! :D

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