TRUSTWORTHY PART 1 | Withered Bonnie X Female Reader.

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For this fic, the lore of the original game will be changed to fit with the story.


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A thick black wall of nothing, just complete silence.

Was this it?
Was this what the afterlife felt like?

Being left alone with only your own depressing thoughts as a melancholy companion.

If this is it I'd rather lose consciousness once and for all...

Why am I even here? Is my only purpose to suffer?

He tried to find a reasonable explanation as to why he was still stuck, but nothing made sense.

This wasn't the afterlife, he knew, but after all this time he couldn't help but wonder if all the things that had once been taken for granted were ever really even close to being the truth.

Doubt corrupted his mind more and more, and with each day that passed another uneasy thought made its way into his brain.

He had lost awareness of the time passing, it could have been days or even years for all he had known.

How much longer could he take before finally going insane?

"Don't worry, I know what I'm doing. I've been studying."


What was that?
Was that... Someone? A voice.

"Are you serious? Do you think you can fix that ...thing after watching some YouTube videos?? Don't be ridiculous."

"Oh come on Jeremy, you know that you can find anything online. And it's right most of the time! I even found a way to fix my washing machine."

"Bro, that's a washing machine, we're talking about complex animatronics here. Are you really sure you know what you're doing? Plus, you know how dangerous these things can be.
I just don't want you getting hurt."

Smiling gratefully at your colleague, you shook your head and reached for the doorknob.

"Trust me on this one, I know what I'm getting myself into, I've worked some night shifts too."

It seemed like no one could stop you once you set your mind to something, and Jeremy knew all too well.

"I'll pray for your safety, (Y/n). Not that it will change anything, but at least I'll feel like I'm doing something to help you."

You just rolled your eyes at his dramatic behavior and turned the knob.

"Oh wow. It reeks of mold and death. My two favorite scents. Too bad they don't make candles with these smells."

"Why is it so dark in here? Did nobody think of making a window in here?"

While searching around for a light switch you tripped on something and fell on top of a hard object.

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