Sun/Moon x Gn!Reader | Nighty Night, Naughty one.

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You abruptly jolted awake as something cold touched your left arm

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You abruptly jolted awake as something cold touched your left arm.

It took you several seconds to realize what was happening and where you were, but when you finally did, you felt a wave of embarrassment wash over you.

"Oh my God, I'm so sorry Sun, I didn't mean to fall asleep like that."

The robotic companion simply laughed and shrugged his shoulders, seeming amused rather than angry.

"It's fine, besides I know you haven't been sleeping well lately, so maybe you should try one of the moon drop candies we give to kids who have a hard time falling asleep.
They all say they taste good."

"No, thank you. I think I'm good. Besides, I think I promised you I would help you clean up the mess those little tornadoes did. And I'm so sorry I fell asleep like that.
I promise it won't happen again."

Sun just laughed and helped you get up from where you had been sitting, making sure you would be able to keep your balance since you had just woken up.

He noticed how tired you looked and suddenly his head began filling with worry. He knew your house was a bit far from the pizza plex, and he was worried about you.

Nobody should drive while being sleep deprived. It was way too dangerous.

"I just had a great idea! Why don't you spend the night here with me and moon? No one will know, and I promise we will wake you up before it's time to open the daycare."

He looked at you with pleading hands, ready to hold you there if necessary.
"Pleeeaase. It will be FUN! We can read stories, Moon can sing you a lullaby if you want. Come on, just say yes."

Poor Sun seemed desperate and you could tell by the sound of his voice that he really needed you to stay for tonight. Usually, he would have given up after one "no", but tonight was different. Something was making him nervous, and you were extremely tired, so you decided you would give in, just for tonight.

He was still waiting for your answer, and when he saw you were struggling to keep your eyes open he knew it was time to strike.

"So? What do you think?"

You did your best to stay awake and vigilant and looked up at him.

"Just this once."

You could have sworn his face seemed to lift up at the sound of those words.

"Thank you, Thank you, THANK YOU."

In an instant, you felt your feet leave the ground as he picked you up and spun you around, giggling and singing happily as he excitedly started listing all the things you could do together once you arrived in his secret room.

A heavy rope was slowly lowered to your level and he secured it on his back, making sure it was properly hooked.

Although being suspended so high from the ground would have normally felt terrifying, being held in his secure grip, you felt a strange sense of calmness.

It was extremely relaxing, and all your worries finally disappeared.

Everything was starting to fade to black as you slowly drifted to the sleeping realm, but the sound of Sun's hipe voice brought you back to reality.

"I'm sorry Sun, what did you just say?"

He lowered you to a makeshift bed full of what you assumed to be some lost objects he had found around the location. Anything from random blankets to plushies and even some adult-sized jackets.

You were surprised when he handed you a set of the Freddy-themed pajamas they started selling just a few weeks before.

He told you he would wait out while you were changing and you thanked him for being respectful.

Once you were done you called him over and once again, he brought you some things. A bottle of water and one of the moon drop candies in case you needed it, although all those days of not getting enough sleep were already doing a good job at finally forcing you to.

"I will turn the lights off now. We'll see each other in the morning, If Moon does anything to make you upset just use that flashlight beside your bed and point it into his eyes, that'll make him behave. Okay?"

"Don't worry about Moon, he's a nice guy. He just doesn't like it when I tell him that sleeping at night is such a waste. I mean, I could literally be doing anything I wanted, instead, I'm being forced to sleep every single time."

He let out an exaggerated gasp and positioned his arms to rest them on his hips.

"I'm sorry, but I will have to be on Moon's side for this. He's right."

You groaned in frustration and finally gave in.

"Okay, you're right. Whatever you say."

He punched the air in triumph and exclaimed something, then he jumped into the ball pit in the most dramatic way he could and walked towards the entrance to turn the lights off so that you could have an easier time falling asleep and Moon could have some time with you as well.

When the lights were off the two switched places and Moon was finally let out.

Now it was his turn to play.

Looking at the entrance of Sun and Moon's not-so-secret, but still fairly hard-to-reach, room, you waited for him to appear, and soon enough there he was.

Moon, in all of his mysterious glory.

"Hello and Goodnight, (Y/n). It's pretty late, don't you think so too?"

Every time you two saw each other he would start playfully arguing with you about how late it was and trying to get you to stay and sleep with them, just like Sun did, so you can imagine how thrilled he was at the idea of finally be able to spend the night with you.

"You won in the end huh?"
You tried to play it cool, but a yawn cut your phrase mid-way, and he let out an amused chuckle.

"I always win, my dear. Now how about I sing you to sleep? Would you like that? Not to brag but I consider myself a great singer."

You smiled gratefully at the animatronic and laid back on the bed, letting him tuck you in, you guessed it must be his way of showing you his affection since he was so used to putting kids to sleep.

It was really sweet of him to be doing it to you as well. You never realized how much you actually needed this. To let him gently guide you to a beautiful and happy dream.

Needless to say, that night you had the best sleep of your life.

"Nighty night, naughty one."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 28, 2023 ⏰

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