Too Suspicious

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Allison seemed upset. I wasn't sure why. I had just woken up and fed. I cleaned the blood off of my mouth and out of my beard and mustache. I then turned my attention to her, resisting the urge to run for cover. With a deep breath, I approached her.
She gave me a hiss when I greeted her. I took a cautious step away from her. "Apologies Priest, I'm not in the best of moods right now," Allison stated after her intent to kill vanished.
"I noticed," I said with another precautionary step back. "Why?" I questioned.
"My lack of aging has become too suspicious for the upper echelon of England. We're moving by the end of the month. I hope you're alright with a lot of wilderness Priest," Allison sighed as she stood up and headed upstairs.
"What?" I asked, even though she was no longer around to be able to answer my question.
"Is something wrong Priest?" Joseph's voice cautiously inquired. I made sure I let him know I didn't intend to kill him before I turned around to face him. I shrugged as an answer. Joseph only studied me before slipping away into the next room like a ghost.
"Hello Priest," Adrian greeted and then headed to the kitchen. I blinked and sighed as I headed to where Pearce normally was. Pearce wasn't there and I heard the sound of moving objects. I cautiously approached the source and saw Pearce packing as Allison attempted to unpack.
Pearce was tolerating her actions so far. "I don't want to go to Transylvania," Allison complained as she removed some items from her large travel bag.
"You know that you're lack of aging is becoming suspicious," Pearce stated with an exasperated sigh. His dead voice didn't really reveal emotions well, but even I knew that his patience was wearing thin.
I knocked on the door to let them know I was there with no intent to eavesdrop.
"Go away Priest," Allison spat as Pearce made a motion for me to enter.
"Allison, my patience is wearing thin right now," Pearce warned. "Come in Priest," Pearce said. I carefully entered the room.
"What's going on?" I inquired as I felt Joseph's and Adrian's presence behind me.
"We're moving," Pearce replied, snatching the items out of Allison's arms with a soft, irritated hiss. Allison didn't object this time and took a step back.
"What?" Joseph cautiously asked in a whisper.
"We're moving," Pearce repeated as he continued to pack the items Allison had unpacked.
"Where? Why?" Adrian questioned with confusion.
"Allison's lack of aging has become too suspicious for the upper echelon of England. They're asking too many questions and much to her horror, she can no longer come up with a good enough lie to dissuade them from pressing for answers," Pearce answered.
"Where are we going?" Joseph inquired.
"We'll be moving to Transylvania by the end of the month. Pack your things. And yes, this will be a regular occurrence, so don't get too attached to one place," Pearce stated.
I blinked and studied Pearce packing Allison's things. He turned to me, Joseph and Adrian.
"Start packing your things," Pearce snapped, his patience finally gone. Joseph, Adrian and I quickly left the room to pack our things.
"We're really leaving?" Adrian questioned after a few tense moments of making sure we didn't kill one another.
"I guess," I said with a shrug.
"Transylvania," Joseph sighed.
"Do you know it?" Adrian inquired.
"Not personally, but it's known for odd occurrences and lots of wilderness. Some say the land is cursed too," Joseph replied.
"Cursed? Cursed how?" I questioned.
"I don't know. That's just what I've heard," Joseph responded with a shrug.
"Wonderful," I mumbled.
"I guess, if you enjoy supposedly cursed land," Adrian commented.
"Oh, absolutely. Cursed lands are the best," I stated with sarcasm. Adrian and Joseph looked at me with disbelief and then they couldn't help but laugh, myself included.
"One month to move to the cursed lands of Transylvania," Adrian chuckled.
"What fun," Joseph snickered. I snorted with amusement.
"That's a short period of time, though, if you think about it," Adrian mumbled. We fell silent and realized that it really was a short period of time.
"It really is," I agreed.
"I guess it's really suspicious then. Allison's lack of aging," Joseph commented.
"Yeah," Adrian said after some time.
"Should we get used to this? Pearce did say this would be a regular occurrence," I reminded them.
"I hope not," Joseph mumbled.
"I think we should get used to it. Especially if it's apparently something they do regularly," Adrian stated. We fell silent and continued to pack, not saying anything.
The sun rose and we all fell asleep.
Our items were half packed, and we were all unsure now if we wanted to move to Transylvania.
Even if the reason was completely logical.

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